Do you think its wrong ....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HannahWild, Jul 13, 2005.

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  1. heather

    heather Balder than Pike!

    May 12, 2004
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    buiding a compost heap...Bill Oddie Rules!
    having your head shaved is cool :)

    my mum is dissapointed in me tho, cos its the least amount of hair ive ever had, i was born with a full head of thick black hair.

    nehow, back onto mental is really really hard for other people around you, i know that. My mum and sisters just accepted that i was ill and whatever happend they would just have to cope. The person my illness was hardest on was Martin (crasherkid) he could never understand how he could love me so much and yet i hated myself. Could never get his head round why anyone would self harm.

    I felt really bad that i couldnt explain it all and make it better for him.

    My new boyfriend has had a simliar illness, but for completly different reasons. You would think 2 people who have severe depresion, are self harmers and haev frequent panic attacks, would be a nightmare relationship. But its actually doing us a lot of good. Becuase we have a good understanding of what is going on in the other one's head.

    We can help each other. I mean, i didnt even know i was having panic attacks, i thought there was just something seriously wrong with me until i had one when mossope was there and he recognised what was happening.

    We both know that we're unlikely to ever be 'well' again. But at least we have each other for the bad times when they come.
  2. Sasha

    Sasha Registered User

    May 9, 2003
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    Dirty Leeds
    thats really nice heather :)
  3. Guest

    Re: Do you think its wrong ....

    you're funny Hannah .. or at least your mate is .. stear pls :lol:

    i think people with mental health problems albeit how they got in to their issues sometimes are actually intellegent people :)
  4. HannahWild

    HannahWild Registered User

    Mar 27, 2005
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    Re: Re: Do you think its wrong ....

    It was ok til there was a lorry stopped on the side of the road ... 'hannah how are we gonna get round it' :lol: its straight roads all the way to my house but back down to hers she had loads of chicanes to go round :lol: I duno how the fuck she managed it!!!

    They are intelligent people ... look how many have conqured it and gone on to write books explaining all the illness from their experience etc.
  5. HannahWild

    HannahWild Registered User

    Mar 27, 2005
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    Heather thats really cool that you've found someone you just knows rather than has to try and understand :up: Good for you :)

    Some people have this idea that life is all sweeties and roses, they dont see that there are bad point and dark scarey moments. Its how you work through them that matters. If someone can be there no matter what, through all your ups and downs then thats true loyalty and love.

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