Do you belive in.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gizmo, Sep 4, 2002.

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  1. Guest

    Jem u been reading the site I put a link up 4 :rolleyes: :D
  2. Guest

    yeah i did!!!
    but makes it easier than sitting for an hour going thro the whole lot!!!:rolleyes: :D :D :D :D
  3. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
    Likes Received:
    got me thinking...

    this stuff certainly has opened my eyes!
    cant believe ive went all these years without paying the slightest bit of attention to it!!!!

    gonna take note of all this and have a lil bit of a dig myself.

    its bloody interesting!

    cheers for all that info as well Lee - you certainly do know ya stuff m8 :D
  4. Guest

    Re: got me thinking...

    Does make you think.

    After Sept 11th you can imagine how many of your phone calls and emails would have been monitored. The amount of "triggers" that people would have said that day WOOOOOOO. :eek:
  5. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Re: Re: got me thinking...

    Totally m8 - i had heard of that one where everything is monitored for key words etc.

    Aint it the big sat dishes in cornwall or sumfink that is supposed to do the scanning...... ? Not sure like....

    All certainly makes u think!
  6. Guest

    Re: Re: Re: got me thinking...

    They're the giant "golf ball" things

    two hundred and odd acres I think are covered in them - theres planes that go over head and listen aswell.

    Remember people - a spy satellite can read the headlin of a newspaper so it can see u perfectly :D SLEEP TIGHT lol :p
  7. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Re: Re: Re: Re: got me thinking...

    Hahahah - its all good stuff.

    Keeps the mind ticking doesnt it.

    Some of the things that go on in this world we will never ever find out about.

    I bet we'd be bloody shocked if we DID find out some of it tho..............
  8. Guest

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: got me thinking...

    Yeah 2 right - mad mad world

    People don't care about what they don't know.

    How many peeps will be freaking out 2moro at EC after they been drinkin and things.

    I might start talkin about it just to refresh everyones memory lol

  9. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: got me thinking...

    Yup - you cant worry about wot u dont know.

    Certainly does make u wonder wot u dont know tho!!!

    Am gonna stop thinkin about it for a lil while be4 I get a headache :D
  10. GeordieLee

    GeordieLee Registered User

    May 27, 2002
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    Re: Re: Re: Do you belive in.....

    Ha! I knew I wasn't the only one who believed that! :D ;) :p
  11. DJSequoia

    DJSequoia Registered User

    Apr 19, 2002
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    Usually here or there...
    Well I just read that thing you put up Cogan! This argument can go on forever & ever!
    I think it did happen - some of think it didn't! I can't prove neither can you prove it!
    We can only believe what other's say! The 'professionals' etc.
    However, most reasons people have given for it not happening - a clear convincing come back has been made!

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