Do you belive in.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gizmo, Sep 4, 2002.

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  1. crasherkid

    crasherkid Registered User

    Dec 21, 2001
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    u were probs the onleee person in darlo to buy it dave..... ;)

    .... well untill the chav's heard it was out... then they all 'twocked' it :D
  2. gizmo

    gizmo Registered User

    Mar 17, 2002
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    In the inter-galactic loops
    Re: Re: Do you belive in.....

    Some of us apparently!

    I was completly convinced that we went and landed on the moon, one small step for man blah blah blah....... However, when Lee Foster lent me a video on "Did we go to the moon?", I was completly shocked by the whole thing, and that the government could actually cover up something like this, because we definatly did not go to the moon!

  3. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Re: Re: Re: Do you belive in.....

    :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

    we didnt????? :eek:
  4. Rob

    Rob Registered User

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Sancho Panza
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you belive in.....

    I'm undecided, I have seen very compelling evidence to both for and against.
  5. Guest

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you belive in.....

    same here, watched some stuff on sky about it ageeeees ago!
  6. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you belive in.....

    bloody hell - i really do know nuffink about this :eek: :eek:

    not as clear as wot ya see on tv and read in papers then as usual ;)

    so mr armstrong may never have even set foot on the moon?

    time for that saying a think........

    EH?!!?!?!?!?!? :D
  7. djmatsui


    Aug 25, 2002
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    i thought they all moved on to garage? :rolleyes:

    and i see it's good enough for you to get rips of all our tunes :p

    *lmao* ;)
  8. Guest

    God I used to be a complete geek (hard to believe I know) :D and I was well into the supernatural. If I can find any of my old shit I'm gonna read it cause it was fucking mad. I was seriously like the bloke on conspiracy theory only I was 14 or something.

    Thats probably why Im so paranoid now :eek:

    I could bore (spelling?) u all day with shit about aliens, mj 12, conspiracy theories and things but you'd all think I was a bit mad. :p :D
  9. Guest

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you belive in.....

    Oh fuck - you never heard the theories that it was all done in a studio?
  10. Guest

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you belive in.....

  11. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you belive in.....

    not at all :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    fook - really shud pay more attention to NORMAL things in life ;)
  12. Guest

    The Moon or is it a fake in a studio???:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

    No-body really knows!

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  13. Guest

    Neil does - unless he was on something and they just put him in a room and said well done Neil ur on the moon mate. :D :p
  14. Lee Foster

    Lee Foster Dark Magician of Chaos

    Apr 21, 2002
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    The Shadow Realm
    Moon landing...

    It never happened.

    It's as simple as that. The most compelling factor, for me, when I watched the documentary, was the effects of the radiation, just out side of the Van Allen Belts.

    Basically, you would need shielding 7 foot thick to stop the cosmic rays frying your brain and burning the human body to a crisp.

    What did the American lunar lander have on the outside? Gold foil, several millimeters thick!

    Also, the moon shots had light sources from different angles, how could this be, when the only source of light should have been from the sun!

    Add this to the lack of stars, mysterious deaths of key officials and astronauts who would not play the game, dodgy photographs, a flag that flapped in the wind on the moon footage, a lander that had no dust on its feet, even though it had just 'blasted into the moon's surface' as it landed, which would have hurled dust every where and the pathetic 'lift off' from the moon, which consisted off a shower of glitter and the lunar module looking as if it was pulled up on a piece of string!

    This is why Area 51 is so secret, they filmed it there. It was all about politics and the fear that the Russian’s research of psychotronics (mind control and behaviour adjustments induced by emitting low frequencies) would make them able to control US, with the Sputnik program, by using their orbiting satellites to bombard the US, or the world with infrasound.

  15. Guest

    Re: Moon landing...

    And I thought Lee was just a DJ :D

    This guy knows his stuff
  16. Guest

    If u really wanna start talkin about things we should start talkin about this country. Every phone call, txt msg, fax, email, credit card transaction is monitored.

    If your on the phone (normal land line) and you say key words such as "bomb" a recorder instantly goes on and your conversation is taped. I forget where the places are now but it happens. There are also 2 planes that go across the country every morning I think it's about 6am or something and they scan for anything unusual.

    Im gonna find some shit about these cause I can't remember much about them now. :D
  17. SeniorChem Si

    SeniorChem Si Registered User

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Getting it on
    I totally go for this, can't believe you've never heard owt about this before bri.

    It all came down to cold war politics at the time. Kennedy vowed to put an american on the moon before the end of the 60's in 1962ish, but it looked like the ruskies were maybe gonna get there first and the decade was fast running out..... so the theory goes that NASA/US govt decided to fake the whole thing rather than spend billions trying to do something that they probly couldn't do and definitely couldn't do before the end of the year.

    sneaky buggers
  18. SeniorChem Si

    SeniorChem Si Registered User

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Getting it on
    I was reading bout this a while ago as well, think its called "enigma" or something. As u say cogan, it potentially can tap into every form of electronic communication and picks up on key phrases like "bomb" "charlie" etc

    Americans developed it and sold it to virtually all the western govts........ should assume that anything u say/type these days can be picked up
  19. Guest

    OK *cogan puts on his glasses* THE GEEK IS BACK

    I been on an information hunt about the information gathering that goes on in this country. The people who monitor virtually all communication devices you use daily is called ECHELON.

    I was pretty close with my account of what happens before but heres a better description about what happens at the US base situated in the UK.

    "the operation there is capable of monitoring all email, mobile phone calls, radio and satellite transmissions and a whole lot more to provide "near real-time intelligence" on anyone! They have a system called ECHELON that spots keywords in transmissions (and probably this web site) and highlights them to the staff there. Goodness knows what they do with this information, but they can find out a lot about you and me so let's be careful out there!"
  20. Guest

    if neil armstrong was the 1st man on the moon, who was the man holding the camera when he took his 1st steps remote control camera's were not used!!!!!!!


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