
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MistaK, Mar 11, 2010.

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  1. Michael

    Michael Registered User

    Jul 14, 2003
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    i cant be arsed burning cds. dont really enjoy playing cds either. ive got my technics set up and started buying vinyl again over the last year. also got ableton on a stripped down net book so gonna buy m-audio torq (cheaper alternative to serato etc) next week so ive got full access to all my music but can still play everything off vinyl.
  2. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    For me the range in pitch on cdj's is an advantadge i can play acid house and techno in the same set with out having to pitch things up and down in breakdowns.

    Still learning on cdj's as don't own a pair so use them at work or a gig.

    Advantadge over vinyl the price of 320,wav's Flacs not had a chance to play my new downloads over Drop the Bass yet so can not make conparisions with vinyl over larger systems yet. More not having to spend £6.99 on an E.P when you like one track is a great advantadge and the rest rubbbish so just paying 1.30 to1.50 for the track i want plus because i can carry a greater amount of music i can then be more versitile to what the crowd want (last Radar).

    Also it means if a deck is faulty or feeding back or jumping the needle is broke(Again last Radar) i have options to switch to cdj's,find the 800's harder to use than the 1000's as the tourt seems slacker more like a belt than a technic.

    But the advantage is the amount of music it as opened up for me.

    Never stop buying records as a well produced record on say Plant E seems to have much better bottom end then and 320 wav flac i have heard yet, thought the difference is getting closer and playing stuff soon on the rig will test them out.

    For the Record 120 and utube rips (DJ who have played these on our system u know who you are) sound awful and no its not Rig, its you being cheap or a cheat trying to get unrealsed tracks.

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