I'll be there, at the front, near the speaker, loving every moment, and hoping for him to play the Rui Da Silva mix of 'Voices'
im going to rehab on the 8th, waited ages for digweed, but ive gotta go to leeds for an engagement party! tim deluxe at basics will ease the pain, its my first visit to rehab, really looking forward to it!
I wonder how many trainspotters will be there watching Digweed's every move, storming out if he slightly misses a beat - which he probably won't
I reckon it'll probably be at least 12 squid to get in, wouldn't be suprised if it was 15. Its looking likely that he's gonna play a six hour set aswell, Scott Bradford said they hadn't arranged anything but he was happy for Digweed to play all night and I would of thought he would.
Im definatley going, cant wait, will be a blinder! Im not too fussed how much it costs, wont be too much tho, worth every penny anyway
definitely a 4am finish that night, so 6hr set looks likely Danny Howells played from 10pm-3am other week. btw, according to their e-flyer you the q-jump is for members only, you cant phone up for it. If you aint got a member card (or useful contacts) you'll be stuck in the normal queue with couple thousand other ppl