.... not really mate as I have seen far worse at nights with Eric Morillo, Pete Tong, Sasha, etc etc... ... what Defected style night have you ever seen a chav?
You can't say that the people who go to certain nights are any worse than any other but I was saying I have seen more trouble and more chavs at the above nights. Doe's someone not fancy buying Foundation back? Haha!
There were a lot of chavs in there on Saturday night - if they want a tab why don't they just go and buy some?. It could be that as half of Stereo Corp is now owned by Utopian Leisure (the same people who started Ultimate) they bus these people in specially! After all, they do also own Sam Jacks and Bar (sorry, Studio) 55 so expect the buckin' bronco in the middle of Digital's dancefloor real soon!!!
You have to be kidding! Since when were Stereo Corp half-bought? Utopian/Ultimate leisure boil my piss. They have no idea when it comes to clubbing or decent bars! Look what they have done to Bar 55! Ruined the place and it's now a cheesey dive with the token chav dancers above the doors! They do not do Newcastle any favours... it seems things are getting worse...
nope, utopian own the lot however they have no interest in "commercialising" digital http://www.morningadvertiser.co.uk/news_detail.aspx?articleid=18586
not really, as long as the original tokyo duo are involved I can't see there being a problem. They've done a great job so far at running tokyo/digital/stereo... As long as that continues I doubt the owners would step in and change things. Plus that article is over a year old now, if Utopian were interested in making digital into a blu-bambu style nightclub they would have done so already.
I never knew that Digital was owned by a corporation, I thought it was owned by whoever started shindig.
I think I'm right in saying Rob Cameron was involved with the business side of shindig, I could be wrong... He's one of the two founding members of tokyocorp, who have since been bought out by utopian
Well if what they have "introduced" at Bar 55 is anything to go by - I don't hold out much hope for the future! It should be in the Bigg Market! Not the entrance to Newcastle from the Tyne Bridge!
To be fair Bob Senior probably knows more about the nightlife in Newcastle than the rest of the people in the city put together. Him and Allan created Ultimate, their bars attract a certain crowd and a lot of people really enjoy going to them so fair play. Not my thing but each to their own. All bars and clubs, no matter who owns them, are there to make money out of the punters.
nor was riverside when it started. They had such a hard time off the other club and bar owners. they couldn't get a drinks licence for months. The trouble with big corporations is they have the muscle to stop other people starting clubs in new venues so choice gets smaller eventually