yep it is dangerous so its sommit u gotta snap out of. I eat way too much thats why i nearly had a heart attack running tonight
bad. just change what you do eat, there is no point in starving yourself - just make sure what you do eat is good for you - then you can eat as much as you like of fruit and veg really Golden Rules 1. water, water water (drinking ice cold water burns calories as your body has to warm back up to digest it) 2. it takes 10 mins for your brain to let you know its full, so slow down with it 3. dont eat carbs after about 7ish (depending on how late you stay up) you don't usually use much enery after this time, so if you eat carbs, they just get stored as fat more readily if you arent active. if you stave yourself when you start to eat normally again, your body will think wahey food - must store it as fat in case that happens again. the slower you lose it, the longer it will take to come back if you do change.
I hadnt eaten for two days till today cos i have been proper ill, ive got some sort of chest infection and a cough and other than that felt generally bot I didnt actually feel any worse for not eating i think maybe i had about 3 biscuits but i was still drinking/taking medication. I have eaten anyways today so feel alot better but did anyways when i woke up