
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by J, Jul 6, 2008.

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  1. smigs

    smigs by the sword of dobber

    Nov 24, 2005
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    In a princess
    Like I said andy I've explained in my text I just sent you. I aint got a problem with you. I said I'd chill out before I phone you mate. As far as I'm concerened though there a few people your brother needs to eat humble pie with and appologise face to face to before anything goe's any further.

    And I'm not being twatty about this but I wont be playing at kiddstock. 1st I never wanted to in the first place mainly because I'd have to play stuff I dont like playing that much, I was only doing it cos melt asked me. Gone are them days mate. 2nd melt had the nerve to try and fill my kiddstock slot on saturday night I've been very reliably informed. (he really should start realising we bring alot more than 15 people to detox, cos he's made alot of slip up's on saturday by telling the wrong people). All I've ever asked for since I played for you guys was a little respect the same as everyone thats helped you out regardless of DJ'ing for free, promotion work or anything else they've done.

    Now the way your kidd came across on saturday was I was worthless and the same with mick and hutchy! Now thats bang out of order. You probably read the bit about him saying the only thing he was bothered about was getting paul glazby on at 9pm cos he pays him £600. Now I dont care who they are, whats the difference between us and them? I've probably been dj'ing longer than most pro DJ's the fact is I've never wanted to be a big name DJ, I could'nt be arsed with the running around and the hassle.

    Just cos a DJ gets payed £300-£400-£500-£600 dos'nt mean he's technically any better or a better performer. The chances are its cos hes got a record label out . So what ! does that give people the right to think any less of the local DJ's that do it for free or next to nothing because they love doing it! personally I think mick and hutch are top of there game for what they play, I dont care if people think I'm any good or not. Thats there opinion, but melt cant go around saying bullshit like that about people and expect people to just take it. Enough is enough. I dont know how the other guys feel and everyone else that has realised what he's like feels but at the end of the day. I aint going to be DJ'ing for anybody that treats people like that let alone my mates. Simple as. Top draw is my loyalties are with friends and family, not to a guy that disrespects my girlfriend, my friends and even to the extent of the crowd I've noticed! It's not on!

    Thats all I'm saying on the matter mate
  2. MELT

    MELT Registered User

    Jun 20, 2006
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    I had 4 of your mates threatening me with physical voilence

    juts cos I asked if you could shRrten by 5 mins

    then 2 lasses screaming WILDLY in my face.

    what you expect me to do, roll out the red carpet

    course i am going to say fuck off, you would DO THE SAME

    and re: the local djs: versus names

    there are very rarely any problems with the names
  3. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    I'm closing the thread - people had problems, facts have been stated - now it's a personal matter.
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