I was there. It was when Amber D was on. It was some nutta bloke with his top off and loads of tattoos. He was dancing like a rite loony and just staring forward. The look on Stevens face was classical. U could see he wanted to belt the bloke. All he kept saying was "I saw his dick swinging about behind me". Then he kept repeating "iv been pissed on, iv been fuckin pissed on............AGAIN!"
give me a year to save up money and then i'll be over! seriously considering it though lol, two of my best mates are moving far far away in april! ones off to canada to live with his bird and the other is away to australia. probably something i said.... oh aye fidds, i wouldnt really bother listening to the mix me & alderz did it sounded worthy of full UK cd release when we were recording it, but then again i thought my name was francis by that time of the morning so that says it all!
That walvin introduced himself to me and went "my names walv... you've probably heard my name about". I thought yeah I have, because I know your best mates hammer you to bits. Then someone pissed on his leg. Get in.
FUKIN HELL, karl thats possibly the worst iv seen your face look. You look worse than the time you necked 10 tequilas in bambu n dissapeared! shit the pic didnt come up, refer to the numba
Get in Karl came over to me "I've lost my wallet I've lost my wallet" then pulled it out his pocket and started going "shit it's my phone I've lost I've lost my phone"
everyone i know loses everything when their wrecked though it's standard drugged up practice, even when so called lost items have been "placed safely"
yes me and youngy had just been on the zip reel and were walking 2wards the cargo net when we seen a shadow walk up 2 us and it was karl, areet m8 i sed hows it going? IVE LOST ME NEW FONE! well why dont u ring it (he reached into his pocket 2 find his fone 2 ring it then sed) ive lost it