I'm not quite sure what happened myself We went to a takeaway after you were tying to get us to flyer for you and there was some blokes behind us in the que, Allie was bickering with one of them about something - i have no idea what! Then Allie said he kept looking over at him, so when we were walking out Allie went over to shake his hand, when the bloke went to shake Allie's hand, Allie pulled his hand away and put his thumb on his nose and walked out telling him to wind his neck in. The bloke wasn't impressed and came out wanting to fight Allie, this blokes mate had to calm him down and eventually got him to walk away, so Allie started shouting abuse at him and asking if he got his jeans from topman etc, the usual Allie abuse. I've never pissed myself laughing so much.
The bloke should of knocked the horrible cunt out, and who are these people that say he's an alright person? that is exactly how he acts on here. Someone will end up giving him a proper hiding one day.
He is an alright person, he's one of my mates. People on here just take him too seriously. And i can think of far worse things that have been said then someone asking someone else if they got their jeans from topman.
Obviously he is'nt alright in person, that's exactly how he acts on here. He's taking the piss out of a random, he should be expecting to get a slap. I bet he thinks cos he goes to the gym he's hard.
exactly! Allie is well sound, if you don't know him...don't judge him, simple as that! at the Topman comment though, snob
Don't lie, she was martalled beyond help. never saw you for most of the night mate sorry i deserted everyone. Is Next in the same league as Topman?
Your lass and her mate were better company anyway. Think I lost you when we went upstairs when it opened. Nice seeing you anyway dude. Did you see Chute ( ) ?