i think it would be bad for promises reputation. He probably can dj, but, to be fair, in serious trance/clubbing/music circles, dave pearce is seen as a bit of a joke, you all know it. Promise is just starting to get a reasonalbe reputation amongst clubbers from other areas, they are seeing the good line ups (matt h 5hrs, SHOKK), and its getting talked about. booking Dave P would wreck that. Promise woyld become a bit of a joke. try booking DJs who clubbers are desperate to see more of! steve helstrip (cant be that hard, hes mates with lee foster isnt he?), above and beyond, tiesto, etc etc etc and all the others mentioned, not booking Dave P. leave him for blackpool please.
ask the lads from GG if they would book him, and watch them all laugh. wrong image for them, and it is for us too IMO! it one thing to have jules talkin about promise on radio 1, but pearce....please no. your right, he isnt the best DJ in the world, and when we have the likes of hardwick, SHOKK, trophy twins, lee foster playing, why bother booking him? we are not the sugar shack, keep the quality lineups.... say no to Pearce!
Dave Pearce did a Dance Anthems Tour thingy on a Sunday at Foundation didnt he, with live PA from Vincent De Moor, and a short set by Tiesto. Wanted to go to that, but couldnt for some reason.
# from ur other post it sounded like u were booking dave pearce just b'cos gods and the US were.. thats all.
he doesnt play at the shack....well he hasnt for a good couple of years, but im pretty sure he has never played there at all! the shacks too cool for dave...only bookin the best prog house and trance DJs... ...just a shame its such a wank night now
yup agreed!! mebbes this is just me overactive little mind at work but is this thread another way of telling us that he's goin 2 be booked...??!! i mite be wrong though.... IMO i think dave pearce is fooking class, have seen him a canny fe wtimes n always had a good nite HOWEVER i dont think he's the right kind of dj for promise i reeli do think as someone has said that it wud give promise a bad reputation. nothing against dave cos lie i said i think he's fuckiing mint and no doubt he'd pull a big crowd n play class music but i dont think it would do much 4 promise's repuatation nationwide xxx
Wot the fuck!?!?! Revel is the only one talking sense who the fuck wants to see dave pearce atr promise????? Sort it out! we'd be the fucking laughing stock!!!!
hahaha...as if you've just wrote that on here!! tsk tsk revel!! could be the new slogan on the flyers... PROMISE "turns even the best DJs shit!"
Newcastle and cool just doesn't work... the try hard movement took 6 months 2 take off.... the stereo massive were still sporting collars n cuffs when leeds was sporting destressed denim
weeeeeeell, it does. djs are always better when they arent @ Promise....i actually think its foundation. its the worng club for a trance night. maybe its been cursed by the gypsies u see selling flowers in town? hardwick and the trophy twins are the only ppl who pull off good perfomances.
yeah i dont think its promise, more like foundation...it seems to drain em of all thier skills!! mr tiss fights quite hard to stay good like...he can do it...and i used to think eddie could fight the curse too but not any more! hehehe
Sloppy Eddie lost the battle after the first performance!! he was class first time then shite for the rest?!?!?
personally thought Eddie was best second time, didnt think he was that impressive the first time he played, but i thought second set was class. apparently he was class at freefall last sat, gutted i didnt make it.