Cyber Wankers

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ramma, Apr 28, 2002.

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  1. Frankie

    Frankie Registered User

    Jan 7, 2002
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    I might have a look down next week, heard it is a banging night
  2. CLARKi

    CLARKi Registered User

    Jan 23, 2002
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    The Office
    Yeah well i wear stripey jumpers, flatcaps, rockports, n love to drink cider, but i spent most of the nite talkin to sum well sorted cyber chaps n chappettes! so there!
  3. kalashnikov

    kalashnikov Registered User

    Mar 27, 2002
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    Ramma, top job mate! This thread's had me in fits of laughter! The narrow-minded bigotted snobs must be terrified of you now! :D

    Hey everyone! It's anagram time! Rearrange this word:

    P O H Y Y C R I S

    I'm off to put my Rockports on and start loads of fights. Anyone want to join me in some "beer boy" antics? We can all talk in a nasal accent and fight everyone we see and smash stuff up, cos that's the only way we know how to behave when we wear our shirts!!! We become different people because of what we wear! We become beer boys! :eek:
  4. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Ramma you sexy lil munchkin shouldn't this be on the crasher board, theres only a handful of cybers in promise. The cybers in promise aren't arrogant (although the message board members are :p) - this thread maybe would of made sense a year ago on the crasher board, but makes no fucking sense now on a club messageboard dominated by "beer boys".

    This thread has been done a million times on and made sense cos gurn is full of arrogant sorts, crasher is full of arrogant sorts, gods is full of arrogant sorts, but promise is not full of cybers and the only arrogant cyber I know in Promise is me and I'm happy with my head up my arse thankie :D

    Now make me an interesting original thread lil boy :D
  5. kalashnikov

    kalashnikov Registered User

    Mar 27, 2002
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    Ramma isn't suggesting loads of people here are cybers, and his title was sarcastic.

    He was trying to demonstrate the narrow minded bigotted attitude some people here have (I needn't name names, just scroll through this thread and look at the people who say "I'm not making a generalisation BUT...").

    If you pre-judge or generalise about someone solely due to their race, religion, nationality, class, attire, appearance, age, or gender, then you're a bigot.

    Plain and simple.
  6. An@rchy

    An@rchy Registered User

    Feb 15, 2002
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    5 mins from your gaff with a case of lager in the
    Smart E you are pure fucking class! Even your put downs are camp as fuk :D

    Now start reading my thread entit;ed "Ramma - Sad twat or wot?"
  7. Guest

    Eh? But last you said the board was a true reflection of the Promise crowd?

    You have confused me again Admistrator??

  8. Doggie

    Doggie Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    LMAO, ok ok I admit defeat...

    Right heres the bit that u guys wont believe...

    I ve never had a problem with beer boys, try n find a post where I slate them... I know they shouldn't even be that catagory but for arguments sake...

    Maybes I just jumped the gun too quickly, but to my defence i was still pissed when i read the first post...

    I still think Trancy DJ was out of order, but I do see where Ramma comes from!!

    Dont play funny jokes like that when Im still hammered, please!!

    But fair play to ya, I was wrong, but I didn't actually take the piss out of anyone, I hope!! I shut up n sneak into the corner (for an hour!!):D
  9. An@rchy

    An@rchy Registered User

    Feb 15, 2002
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    5 mins from your gaff with a case of lager in the
    Re: Cyber Wankers

    The thing about using generalisations is that they are generally true, that's why they are called generalisations. If you see a cyber geek, you will generally be right in assuming that they are in the direction of Promise. A man with a tash, chaps, leather and chains is generally more likely to be found in Powerhouse than the Bigg Market, which is generally where beer boys roam.

    At Promise however (and also at Powerhouse) you will find the occasional cyber (usually Smart E in a puddle). On Fri there were lots more cos it was a special occasion. There was also a freak in a white leather skirt, lots of beer boys (not just Karl, a beer boy, but still one of the family) a punk throwback, some lesbians, some gays, some bi, some girls in short skirts, some in trousers, someone in evening dress, a girl who looked like she was in a pig outfit (it was late)

    Did someone in cyber offend you Ramma? Have you tried talking to the people in promise? I have. Lovely they are, don't hink I've met anyone I really didn't like. Try it, you might make some friends.

    Back to generalisations... I've never felt or been threatened in Foundation. In the Bigg Market I've felt and been threatened on several occasions. IN the Bigg Market, the ppl wear RockPorts, etc....

    As a generalisation, it's completely true to say that townie beer-boys are far more likely to smash your face in with a kebab than "cyber wankers" from Promise are.

    Ramma, the point wasn't too subtle, just badly made, and you showed yourself to be as ignorant as you were trying to show others to be.

    Now, and I am listening carefully, would you care to justify your generalisation "cyber wankers"?

    Oh, I also wear shirts and like beer, I'm fairly open-minded

    (just joking with the 'freak' Akira!)
  10. An@rchy

    An@rchy Registered User

    Feb 15, 2002
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    5 mins from your gaff with a case of lager in the
    sarcasm. It's like humour, but more biting
  11. kalashnikov

    kalashnikov Registered User

    Mar 27, 2002
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    Re: Re: Cyber Wankers

    Says who? Bigots?

    Sorry but your examples are crap. Assuming that a man dressed in leather is going to powerhouse is not the same as generalising about the way someone behaves. Do most gays speak with a lisp, wear "camp" clothes and fancy every man they see?

    Assuming people who wear shirts are violent amounts to the same as assuming people who wear leather are gay, people who are black are thieving criminals, people who are poor are stupid, people with skinheads are racists, people who wear cybers are baby-ravers, people with disabilities are thick.

    It's all bigotted narrow minded nonsense.
  12. Guest

    basicly it drills down to one point it isnt the way u act dress or fell cause music is the answer we are all there for one purpose and if ure there for that reason there should be no problems with enyone
  13. An@rchy

    An@rchy Registered User

    Feb 15, 2002
    Likes Received:
    5 mins from your gaff with a case of lager in the
    Re: Re: Re: Cyber Wankers

    Don't make assumptions based on generalisations, you'll often be right, but sometimes just end up looking stupid or wrong. You managed both.

    I didn't make any assumptions, just generalistaions. Saying that "The thing about using generalisations is that they are generally true" is also stating that they are sometimes wrong.

    I don't assume that people who wear shirts are violent, but I do know that it is more violent where people who wear shirts drink than it is at e.g. Promise! This leads to the conclusion that you are are likely to be slapped with a kebab for "are you looking at my pint a puff!" by someone wearing a shirt in the Bigg Market than anywhere else in Newcastle. That's why there are so many police in the Bigg Market, and not so many in Melbourne Street
  14. kalashnikov

    kalashnikov Registered User

    Mar 27, 2002
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    Name the assumption I made, and the generalisation it was based on.

    I look forward to your response.

    I've been drinking in the Bigg Market since I was 15, and in the last year I've spent almost all my income on trance/techno music and events, so I have seen both sides of the coin, and I like to get the best of both worlds.

    The only reason there are more fights by people with beer is because MUCH more people drink beer and listen to cheesy music than take ecstacy/speed and listen to 140bpm music.

    Beer doesn't make people violent, it eccentuates your feelings. If you go out feeling happy and get hammered, you'll be shaking everyone's hand and talking to lots of people. If you're a nasty bastard and you're in a bad mood, beer will remove your inhibitions.

    I've been on hundreds of nights out in the Bigg Market and Newcastle city centre in general. I've met a few nasty people, but not a single person has EVER thrown a punch my way. Often I get lots of drunken strangers talking to me about all sorts of things, small talk, and shaking my hand. You meet some interesting people, have a laugh. One person in a thousand might puke up and start a fight, but one in a thousand cybers is likely to be a violent tosser as well.

    Like I said, I've never been started on in the Bigg Market, neither has anyone I know. If people keep assaulting you, maybe you're the problem.
  15. An@rchy

    An@rchy Registered User

    Feb 15, 2002
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    5 mins from your gaff with a case of lager in the
    I didn't say you made any. You said I did tho.

    Like to reply to some of the actual point I made?
  16. kalashnikov

    kalashnikov Registered User

    Mar 27, 2002
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    Originally posted by you:

    Considering that probably the best part of 100,000 people, if not more, roam Newcastle's streets on Friday nights, and barely over 1,000 people go to Promise, there's a slight discrepency in the figures isn't there.

    Secondly, the people in the town centre are out from 5/6pm until 2am, and they are in the streets, interacting more often than people who are in the same club with the same people.

    You are assuming that most generalisations are correct. You cannot prove this. Secondly, you make no attempt to show just how one might draw the line of when a generalisation becomes a myth.

    I could name many generalisations that I have heard before that aren't in the slightest bit true. I could name many more which only have a small amount of truth in them, but are unfairly tarring millions of people with the same brush.
  17. An@rchy

    An@rchy Registered User

    Feb 15, 2002
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    5 mins from your gaff with a case of lager in the
    if you want a reasoned reply, then give me one

    Until then, I'll not bother
  18. kalashnikov

    kalashnikov Registered User

    Mar 27, 2002
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    Don't bother then.

    But one might be inclinced to think that he who preaches reasoning should practice it himself, if he were to remain sincere to his prophecy. Hell, you might even look like hypocrite. Preach by example; show me what a reasoned response looks like in all your glory.
  19. Doggie

    Doggie Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Am I some gnarely cross-breed... I dress full on cyber every week, but don t do/never done drugs, and just drink instead!!:D :D
  20. rachel

    rachel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    happy happy!! :)
    oh i cant even be bothered to argue anymore cos me finks im not very good at it!!! i dont understand what you mean..... i fink i was in a bit of a nasty mood yesterday for the obvious reasons n although i didnt really agree with what you said i dont really want to make any enemies..... xxxx:)

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