thai food is well tastey... cambodian is very similar but without the kick to burn your mouth I Japanese food - i can't eat sea food but still love the stuff...the beef is fucking lush, as is egg nigori & pork or chicken dromburi nowt like trying the dishes in the country tho
defo, had this awesome sea bass in lime, ginger and chillis, with crispy noodles at this restaurant the chilli banana it was awesome
Where might one find one of these 'foreign restaurants' you speak of? and please don't say in a foreign country, because that would just be rude.
If i went to a thai place I'd need to go with someone who knows the crack because I would'nt know what to order.
Obviously, but I would'nt know what things are. I have trouble at the chinese. I need someone to describe to me what its like lol
Newcastle ................. Tandoori Nights The Raj The Simla Whitley Bay .................. The Romna These are what I (and a load of my curry loving mates) refer to as the best when were out. I have been to one on the west road, dunno the name but its fantastic.