omg not another!!! think its time to nip out for a bit - i cant handle all this...its just too much for my little brain to cope with
Been to Sunderland recently? Do you really know if it is or isn't a good night out? Oh, and learn to spell, it is mackem not makom and board not bored!
yes i been recently and i dont like it, dont like the way "mackems" go on and the way they talk, i hate sunderland always have and always will, u think i dont no its shit? cos i do m8, the people more than anything "doctor mick" spelling ok 4 u, ?
you come across as a bit of an idiot, i must admit!!! seem to be one of these people who will hate sunderland and everything to do with it just because you THINK you have to because of the football...hahaha idiot! get a clue, get a life, and in your own words.....give your head a shake as for the it still requires improvement oh..and 1 more thing....
i thought u had fucked of mr sleepy, not atall, i say sunderland is shit because it is, its a shit hole,i wouldnt like it if i lived there,i wouldnt wanna talk like yous talk, football got nowt to do with sunderland being a shit hole,having a shit night life and being full of pricks??? and gettin back to the football, the origional thread, fuckin shit on, you sad exscuse for a north east football club oh and 1 more thing ???
newcastle used to be streets ahead of sunderland for bars but im not so sure thats the case now yeah... i like them both - but i have to admit i personally prefer the bars in sunderland these days... yeah you're totally right about the sunderland they're a joke!!! ps. glad to see someone with brains adding to the discussion instead of just going off on a rant
has any1 been to 'bar38', 'clear','cassa' or the bar in tiger tiger in newcastle? i find it hard to believe there is any better.
No mass sweeping generalisations there or anything! The problem is obvious, you're a small minded inbred!
I'm the same but I think it is because I feel more at home in Sunderland. You're right about the clubs, they suck!
Been to all of them, 2 of them last night funnily enough. Bar38 I didn't like, seemed really stuck up Clear is cool Casa is alright but not great I've only been in one part of Tiger Tiger but it is nice.
Beach rocks, especially on a Thursday. Bars are ok, Chase, Varsity, Liquid, Envy, Substance. Luma opposite Chase is shit however, thats why u thought Sunderland was crap.