CRB Checks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mr.B.ThatsMe, Jan 8, 2009.

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  1. Shortee

    Shortee back of the net

    May 30, 2006
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    When I was applying for the police I wasnt sure whether my conviction would show up, I was arrested, cautioned and taken to court when I was 16 for assault, the lass dropped the charges and it was never taken any further

    When I was in court I was told that if I didnt get into any more trouble it would be wiped by the time I reached 21, when I explained that at the time I wanted to be a police officer I was told it wouldnt affect me if I never got into anymore trouble. When I applied for the force they point blank refused my application

    they couldnt say why I had been refused but something had shown up on my record that was against the rules for applications. This was the only time I had been in trouble with the police

    I was told to send a cheque for £20 to HQ and they would send my record to me and it showed up
  2. club head

    club head

    Oct 18, 2004
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    low fell
    when my mother was goin thru the adoption process for my lil bro they had to do CRB checks on everyone in the family. we had sent off for them months before hand but unfortunatly for me, mine got done 2 days after i had been arrested for havin ket in a club. i was fuckin wounded i thought it was gonna spoil my parents chances of adopting but it didnt. because it only comes up as class c on the record i just said i got caught smokin a joint. but they said if it was anythin more than a caution for drugs it would prevent my parents from adoptin. but me bein the silly cunt i am i got arrested just a few days later after bein caught wit pills, whizz and ket in digital and i also tested positive for coke. so got charged and had to go to court etc... luckily for me and the family my police clearance had just came through so they would never find out about my conviction for drugs :D
  3. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Can i have a CRB check carried out on someone? ie. can i pay for the check to be carried out?
  4. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    I got a job as a Youth Worker despite having possession of a Class C substance on my record. I gave them a story of getting involved with drugs when I was younger, how it was the biggest mistake of my life blah blah blah, and how I wanted to help kids to not go down the same path as me. I also said I would never go anywhere near illegals in the future as it would fuck up any chance of ever emigrating if I wanted to. They lapped it up.

    It took 10 weeks for my CRB to come back though. If you've lived at a few addresses in the past 5 years it can take a while. Australian customs pulled up my history in 90 seconds on a screen (including a Drunk and Disorderly from 2001), fuck knows why it takes up to three months for a CRB check.

    The CRB system is fucked. You have to get a new CRB check for every new job you go to/everywhere you volunteer. It would be much simpler if they introduced a system like this, meaning you just hand over a card to any new employer there and then, clearing you to work with vulnerable people. Although the people doing the CRB checks would probably lose a wad money if a simple and effective system like that was ever implemented.
  5. club head

    club head

    Oct 18, 2004
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    low fell
    i plan on goin to OZ in the next two years. did they just do a random stop on you and do a CRB.

    cos i reckon i'm gonna hav to lie to get a visa and say i hav never been charged for drugs. and hope they dont click on.
  6. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    For a Working Holiday Visa you are supposed to admit to anything you have been arrested for. You will be fine though, some lad got let in on a WHV even though he had just been done for hitting his ex lass over the head with a hammer. You don't need to admit to anything if you are just a tourist (unless you have spent time in prison).

    Reason I got pulled over is that customs are strict as fuck at the airports here (x-ray all your bags, do tests on you hair gel for drugs etc). I got pulled over as I apparently met the description of a drug smuggler (ie, I was a young and had left the country for two weeks and then come back). They found traces of coke in my wallet, so they pulled my caution up and then it all kicked off. Took an hour and a half for them to go through my suitcase, scan it, weigh it, all sorts. The fact that I had to use my ex lasses bright pink suitcase as my one had broke a couple of days before probably didn't help matters :oops:


    Just read through your earlier post where you said you had been to court. Seeing as you have two drug related things on your record so close in time to each other you may be in some shit. So I would use a visa agency if you are looking at getting a working holiday visa for Australia. If you are just after a tourist visa then you should be fine, but kiss bye bye to any thoughts of ever moving to: Australia, Canada, New Zealand and America (doubt you would even get a tourist visa to go to America for a long long while).
  7. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    if you say you are going to employ them and,crucially, with their permission
  8. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    I just looked at that and even if you were found innocent if you were ever charged with a child related offence (not necessarily sexual) you would not be issued with a card. Must be a nightmare for teachers who could be accused of stuff by pupils with grudges and even if innocent not be able to get a card and so never be able to work again.

    it seems to me to be against natural justice to NEVER have these things come off your record. It's like it is never possible to reform. No one will ever forget you once did something wrong.
    The last gig I worked on we were a bunch of people of all ages and backgrounds and of the 20 people asked, 19 of them had been arrested, 16 had cautions, and 5 had been fined for offences like shop lifting when they were young, drugs, assault, affray and drunk and disorderly. If it goes on like this and the record is never cleared then employers will have no choice but to employ people with or without CRB clearance.
    the police now have targets to meet and are so much more likely to charge people who would otherwise have been let off and that makes things worse as well
  9. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    what about if you are going to rent them yr house and you want to know a background check, i know the flat complex my dad has property in CAN do these checks but they are thru "the company" can individual landlords run the checks.

    have any of you lot been CRB'ed when renting a place?
  10. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    :( this is how i feel with my caution for theft from 14 years ago ( i just realised it's now 2009!) - i was told it's not a 'proper' criminal record but now it seems they say 1 thing but it actually works a very different way.
  11. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    pretty sure that's not legal
  12. MAXIMAL:

    MAXIMAL: Registered User

    Mar 26, 2008
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    I'm pretty sure that you could do it, it's like getting a record of your credit.

    As long as tenants are willing to complete forms and give you supporting info needed (copy of photo ID and utility bill with 5 years address history) you could send it off and it would cost you £20 per check for a basic check.


    Telephone Helpline * 0870 609 6006 (calls charged at national rates) The Helpline is available during the following hours:- Monday to Friday - 8:00am to 6:00pm (* calls may be recorded or monitored for training and quality purposes)


    Write to Disclosure Scotland

    P.O. Box 250


    G51 1YU
  13. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    The flats complex do it to keep smakc heads out

    Its improved the type of people moving in no ends
  14. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    a utiltiy bill with 5 yrs address history?

    do u mean you state where u have been for five yrs or provide FIVE YEARS OF BILLS? i dont think anyone will have 5 yrs of bills
  15. MAXIMAL:

    MAXIMAL: Registered User

    Mar 26, 2008
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    It would be just the one bill, it's basically the same as getting credit this is what they would ask for if you were trying to get say, a mobile phone on contract or sumit.
  16. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    Just, five years of address history, which is a pain if you have been a student or whatever and lived at loads of addresses. My first ever CRB check actually took 10 months in all to come back as some of my address history didn't match up exactly perfectly - fucked system.
  17. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    I'd hate to be a teacher. All the accusations male teachers must get against them won't be worth it. At least with youth work there are procedures in place to stop shit like that (like always making sure there is another youth worker around you so no accusations can be made).

    At least things like a caution for drugs don't count towards that Blue Card thing I posted. In the UK its basically up to the employer to decide whether it will count against you or not, and if for whatever reason they don't like you, there's their excuse for not giving you the job. The likes of you and me will be tarred for the rest of our lives for simply having a bit of whatever on us in our own personal time.
  18. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    Oh, and soon single Mums are going to be able to carry out CRB checks on new boyfriends soon to see if they have anything on their record. Give it 20 years and you won't be able to have a kid without going through a police check first. Can see a swathe of Dad's not being able to see their kids because of some ABH conviction, or some rape allegation by the bitter Mother of his kids etc.
  19. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    You definitly should have checks carried out to become a father, you should definilty need a "license to breed". why should Chavs be able to spit babys out of their rancid fannys quicker than a football season and then claim benifits for them? you should be allowed one child then no more until you can prove u can support it.

    Chinas system rocks.

    You had to have a license to have a dog uptill 83 why not have a license to have kids
  20. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    soon as someone comes up with a system to enforce it - i'll vote for it :up:

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