don't worry dave i'll keep ya right. will pop the record in mr ted's bag on sat so you can have a lil listen after. tis class like. i may even treat you to a lil of my world class mixing abilities...
whose only been once? not me! i used to go religiously every week wen i lived in shefield.......i cant sum up in worlds wot it used to be like! its a period of my life il never forget! it wasnt about it just bein a was the whole atmosphere, the people, friendship, music wont ever be like it used to be 3 yrs ago...i dont care wot any1 says.....if u wernt there u probs wouldnt understand anyway maybe it aint dead for most of you, coz uv only just started goin...but to me it has certainly changed wif all its 'new' cyber-oh er sorry 'crasha' kids...... but hey! thats life! it happens wif everythin dont it! ak, maybes im just gettin old!
cos I actually said ... "Crasher sux ass, but I've only been once tho..." i.e. my humble opinion is that Crasher is shit, although this is based on only one visit, so my opinion may well be unfair. I'd def be prepared to try it again, and may revise my opinion after a second (and possibly subsequent) visits!
messy i know uve been heaps..i wasnt on about u...and your right i dont understand wot it was like in 99 but... ...ive been goin for bout a year and a half now and ive seen it go through many changes in a year and a half and IMO it isnt dead....granted i didnt see it when it went through its 'peak' but if saturday nite just gone is an example of a dead club...then wot the hell is a club thats alive? and im not a cyber kid...or a crasher kid either IMO cyber gave crasher its image and thats it....they didnt make the reason crasher was a fookin good nite out
crasher was good the first time I went about 2 years ago - i've been about 5 times since and everyone of them was shite.... I don't go every week cos I don't like it! I'm entitled to my opinion - so ner
white night @ crasher was dead good joe..even you woulda liked it (and u already had the white clothes to wear!!) if crasher is dead now i would loved to see it when it was alive!
you entitled to your own opinion of course joe...but as u say...u've been 5 times with your last bein crappo picotto!!! just come back for once and see what its like....i refuse to beleive u could hate it
Some of you are talking utter toss pot, I bet you're not even regs to the club, your opinion isnt wanted
I did have great time, was just pointing out about the heat mainly. Anyone who was there surely could remember how hot and full it was in the main room that night? I wasnt just saying 'Crasher is shit' I was pointing out what IMO could be done to make it better. Which was a bit pointless really cos theyre hardly going to read this post and suddenly think 'Oh, hes not happy lets put it right'. I was just starting a discussion to see what other people thought about it mainly I cant believe Im posting to defend myself on a post that I did about 6 months ago PLUR folks
@ you. Have you got nothing better to do with your time my friend? Couldnt see anywhere in this thread or at anytime my claim to be a regular of Crasher ...took the words right out of my mouth :evil: