thought ferry was class as well relly enjoyed standing upstairs watching him and john 00 fleming of course!!! can't remember much of armin or mario but i do remember finkin armin played a proggy set??? maybes i was in the other room or something i don't know.... don't know about crasher dying was by far my best ever crasher granted i've only been about 5 times so probs aren't really qualified to comment on it but i thought it was class. one of my best nights ever mostly down to the people and ferry, john 00 fleming and jules. may not have the best sound system in the world and was gutted to have missed matt but weren't gonna let that spoil my night....
Ya should have seen at the Summer Sound System! Get this, the gates open at 3:30pm, everyone gets searched, so ppl just trickle in slowly, a few of us Promise PP get in by about 3:55 and make it to the Main arena where we see, as scheduled, Matt Hardwick just about finishing hi set which he started at 3:00pm! WTF! He looked pleased to see us, cos at least we jumoed around a bit, but really looked well gutted. Poor Matt!
its always a twat when u miss matt like me must say would have much prefered hardwick to have last set instead of jules!!! but bet matt played a class prog warm up set tho!! akkk @ the fact i missed it!! paul armin playing a prog set!!! wtf u must ben in another room tho matey hahaha!! lil drunk were we??
armin was amazing!!!!piu wernt too far behind either surprisingly!!ferry was dissapointing i think!!00 flemming was cool too but jules started good but got a bit repetative me finks!! matts warmup sets are always class and are getting more and more similar to his last sets every time!!he can do no wrong!!he shoudl have the last 2 hours at crasher whenever/wherever!!!
cos he played boring trance really, armin kicked his ass!!! although he did play gouryella's new tune!!!
i thought maybe he was a lil boring at times but on the whole I was well impressed compared to the last time i saw him and some of his sets i've heard.
he just always plays old songs!!i usually love him but i thought that was the worst i saw him!!was still ok like!
i thought he was ok....a tad boring tho. jackmaster thought he was shit. but he likes it hard + tidy, not gurly and floaty.
lol....indeed i do.... but this one is for me. haven't quite figured out how i'm gonna play it yet...