What a crackin night. Tonys style didn't suit me much but Lee brought it up nicely as usual and Ferry was rather banging indeed. Many hands in the air at the end. Class.
Tony Hutchinson was Tony Hutchinson, I thought Lee Foster did very well and Ferry had his moments too. I was too knackered by this point tho. Gud to be back and see everyone again and meeting new people as well. A pleasure as always. Amy - Did Ellen manage to wipe Hogg's sick off? Say hello to her from me.
He got it on his tshirt and over Ellen. He then turned his tshirt inside out so no one wud notice..........apart from the label being on the outside.
i can't find the thread but she called amy a noblly kneed (so true) & hook nosed! she a 16 year old child who needs to fuck off til she's old enuff & has beeter insults than what she does!
not bad not bad.....what is hogg doing tho & there again is my classy amy sticking her fucking fingers up!!
Sorry love we both posted at the same time Seem's like a bit of a stupid bitch. Hope Amy didn't kill her though
don't think so - sassy sarah did a disappearing act after joe enquired wh she was & she denied it!! apparently she wudn't look amy in the eye!!
Very busy. Good to see! Though the charva count was very high. Dare i say the "Dangerous Dave Effect"? But to be honest they were all just out for a good night as far as i could see. So it made for a good atmosphere and ive no problem with it! I prefer to see it just as sound people with no dress sense!