LMFAO!!! what just cos i have a diferent opinion to you??!!! LOL get a grip! and to be quite honest i couldnt give a monkeys what u say...for me plastic bath is overrated as i personally dont think its great. sorry. no actually im not sorry.
last year was quite a bad year, this year has been awesome for trance. the club scenehas taken a bit of a battering, but music wise, its been mint. sooo many top tunes. as good as 2 years ago, if not better.
not meaning to cause an argument cause me hates em but i know her n believe me she does hav a clue, one hell of a lot more of a clue than a lot of this ppl on the board believe me!!! xxxx
Re: Controversial Post This track, in my opinion, (whatever that’s worth), was a good track, but one that would never have made it into my record bag. It was pleasant on the ears, but lacked 'ooommf' on the dancefloor. Chin chin! Lee
Very true IMO. Exposure is far superior to Sillver Bath in every way, the only bit I about Silver Bath is that noise in the middle during the breakdown, the same noise thats in Tranzy State Of Mind. But for arguments sake I definately think Warrior - If You Want Me is better than them both, what a tune it is Trance is not 'dead', and will not be for a long time as long as tunes of this calibre keep on being released
Re: Controversial Post Discuss? OK No it isnt!!! I fucking love it!!!!!!!!!! I think overated is a bit harsh! Its not best but IMO it gets pretty close!
Plastic Boy Silver bath is a quality tune that has been overplayed and this has been seen in the number of times it has come on in Promise. However, for me every time it does come on it still brings a major smile. If it does continue to be overplayed then yeah maybe it will become another tune thats been heard far too many times and will never be the classic it was when first released. However, if this tune does not come on for a while and gets played again in a few months if it does not get the whole club going then ill agree. Trance is not dead if it was clubs like promise could not afford to play to an audiance in the way it does every week. Yeah maybe its not quite what it was two or three years ago, but if it was dead than people simply would not turn up to promise week in week out as this is what it plays. Trance has future in a faster and harder way than maybes the more uplifting trance once ruled this world but say it dead than you are lLYING
I wouldnt use the word "bragging". I was merely stating that when i wrote this thread i hoped that it would get a reaction. And it did.
It takes alot to say that a "MIKE / PUSH" Tune is poor like and after falling in love with Plastic Boy - Silver Bath Exposure - Magic Impuls I can safely say that they are amazing tunes - proper hands in the air where ya shirt gets taken off ya back with goosebumps - thats what they are I fucking love it me
it is amazing in my opinion but i do wish it would go away for a while!! it still reminds me of that barn party when me and ted played it for the first time and it sounded class!!but months later it's a bit worrying when people still play it every week!!get some new fucking tunes for gods sake!!
i didnt get ya cd no!!who had it for me like?? mike was well good!!played class tech/trance just as expected and although his beat matching was perfectish he kept cutting tunes out halfway through in a dumonde style manner!!!
i posted it @ marrissas this morning.... was pissed off i couldnt make it, but was soo tired + hung over....you know when you whole body feels like alcohol...mingin... i was gonna come about 12ish actually, i took my friend home to blyth, then was gonna come, cos i was quite awake after that...
i didnt go back to marissa's got a lift off andre who had to be back in boro for work at 6 so we left at 3.30 and went straight home! we going to hed-kandi on sunday tho so will get it then!!cheers dude!
it was gash IMO, same kinda memories of it as Push - The Legacy - that was done to the absolute death aswell seems funny discussing a track thats 3 years old like? time to move on yet anyone?