if i'm honest i didn't look, but it was in a green bottle.....hmmmmm? er it wasn't me who had the bottle going anywhere was my housemate! i wouldn't feel privilaged if he'd stuck a solid gold bottle up there, its not right and don't you go trying it mmister!
could be stella then! so in that case u had no right to complain! :tut: if it was carling then your well within your right to go ballistic!
i'm getting so many tips from this thread.... bottle up fit girls kilt - No Look at Katies face - Yes i see where i've been going wrong!
you wish, i'm just hoping I don't see you outt round town lurkiing with a stella bottle at the ready!I'll put my chasdity belt on!
see the board IS educational! (also doesn't mean you can stick a bottle up an unfit girls kilt for the sake of it)