i am not jealous at all every person is different i'm just saying that girls seem to moan alot about things they secretly like its all about getting down and dirty
Attention to my face is fine a nice smile or something... Hand up the skirt is just awful I dunno why people think they have the right to do it? Its degrading! Im always up for a good laugh just no blatent letching its embarassing and just makes me think....you havent had any in months have you?
thats a great big sweeping generalistaion, if some arsehole grabs my arse just because i'm dancing near to where he is and so thinks i MUST want him, i do not enjoy it!unless its someone i know taking the piss i does my head in
live and let live if your going out on a night ya should just expect it now lads are lads just enjoy them
Come on laura, your acting like a right slapper! I always live and let live. Im just not going to say I enjoy some ugly dirty bloke putting his hand up my skirt!
If someone admires my body or my face its very flattering, I would definately miss attention like that if I didnt get it sometimes. I was more talking about the horrible blokes really!
ok then to be fair you do have a point (not about the slapper bit though even though i may have just come across that way oh dear ) i'm with andy loves nana on this one though admiring is the way forward!
I'm learning to take a compliment its taken me a while honestly, i don't mind a nice smile and a bit of a look but sometimes some guys do take it toooo far. but hey, you just ignore it and get on with life
I didnt mean to sound up-tight! If you knew me you would know Im not like that at all. I just meant I dont think its right for blokes to put their hands where they shouldnt its indimidating sometimes. But boys will be boys they cant help themselves sometimes!