dragged away by my mates after first swing. He didn't have a clue though. Should of smacked the bitch instead.
i never get why you get all the scallies on stuff like trisha & that kyle dude DEMANDING a lie detector to 'save' their relationship... if there's no trust, there's no relationship to save imo. but then i guess i'm just too pretty to get cheated on
Normally look for changes in behaviour are they spending more time away from the person? more effort in how they look? on the phone constantly? Luckily for me i just asked my sister our right and she came clean about what she had been getting up to then bf
Some clues: Being more attentive than usual Being less attentive than usual Taking more care in their appearance Being more secretive, like hiding bank statements, taking calls in another room, sheilding the phone when texting In part I agree that if there isn't any trust then it isn't worth it anyway, but some people do have major issues with trust which have to be dealt with or they'll never maintain a long term relationship. The poor guy (I'm assuming it's a guy) may have done nothing wrong whatsoever, in which case it's the girl who needs to sort her head out.
so he was you're ex when he was shagging you sis? or current then ex when you found out? ouch for you but kudos for him i bet he was going for you mother after that to get the whole set