bless u i feeling bit like that at min, i have one more test to do before i get out of my current job and get the career ive always wanted but every week im out in the powerhouse taking drugs and dancing to hard house and cant concentrate on studying the rest of the week :evil:
Re: Change This is the bit I'm intrigued about. What has everyone got but doesn't know it? :spangled: Anyway, whatever it is I hope you find it.
Clubbing is the icing on the cake, or at least should be - when its becomes the sponge, and the cream and jam filling ... then you have a problem. Especially when you wake up and your cake has went all hard and crunchy.....or even worse, gets that blue green mould on it.
i'm gonna stop going out as much, trying to save up to move out, wanna be closer to stu and move to a different city hopefully newcastle's getting a bit boring for me, all my friends have been/are at uni and have done loads of new things which i havent just need to give a few nights out a miss got my car sorted which i saved a lot of £ for next is moving out
My irony is lost on you FW ... Anyways, its hard enough coping with a single night out once a month these days - if you mean the 'clubbers' lifestyle you want changing. Its too painful at work for monday and tuesday a least, and having the entire of saturday and most of sunday as a write off just makes it feel like a waste of time. Costs a bloody bomb aswell - my spending needs reigning in big style.
I'm loving not going clubbing as much as I used to. It's nice to actually do more productive stuff with my weekend. I still enjoy going every now and then, but every weekend would bore me to tears. Mind you, I started 'proper' clubbing regularly in 1996, so it's about time I did something else!
me too!! i love nights in cookin for friends or stu and just having a few drinks it gets boring going out clubbing every weekend and seeing the sam dj's over and over i'd rather not go out as much through the year and go to global and see most of the dj's i like there
Still love clubbing - but tend to travel for it, or make a big occasion about it these days instead of how i used to do it.
It's all about going to a gig, the pub, the cinema, trips abroad, or for a meal these days. I'm 26 this year- my days of going out clubbing until 5/6am are very few and far between these days- I just don't enjoy it anymore.
Ive gone from going out most weekends to going out once a month if im lucky. I don’t miss it either got uni to keep me occupied + saving up for a decent trip next year / getting my own place