Always mate! The arguement on here is amusing! No back up for any of the comments made. If they don't know their stuff... why try arguing?!
Re: Re: Re: Champions bet you WERE watching i hate people who use was as were And i was not watching, i hate rugby,2548,All-Feb-2005,00.html All the back up I'll ever need.
All the back up I'll ever need Any danger of England winning the world cup in '06... doubt it! Done well in Euro '04. Considering your team on paper... well done Sven. As long as you have Sven I'll be happy!
Re: Re: Re: Champions Did i say we were shit hot???! I said you's were GASH, which you's are! Thats all. Check out the Fifa rankings, we might not be top but i'm dam sure we're above that joke you call a national side Also how many times do i have to tell you I DO NOT LIKE RUGBY so why would i watch it I'm sure in you original post, you asked "what more could we want" the answer to that question is surley the WORLD CUP. Engalnd are the world CHAMPIONS at rugby and will be till the next World Cup!
Sorry mate. if you want your heroes to be good looking then sorry. Yet anotyher shite arguement put over. Anyone with any knowledge wanna debate? No, that's because they respect that this topic was made in good spirtis.
Lighten up. You take things way too seriously. It can't be good for your health y'know. And face it, Wales winning the rugby is like Scotland winning the curling. No one cares.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Champions Agreed they are world champions. Did I ever doubt that. With regards to me saying what more can we want... I meant at the present time! And as much as ranking are a load of bollocks, I know England are a much better side than wales... have I ever doubted that!!! But you're still not going to win anythng soon that's a fact! So I'll carry on laughing when you lot think yeah we'll win the world cup, like we were going to win euro 2004!!! And laugh at the mess you make of it long live Sven!
Your way out of your league mate! At least we will be in the World Cup and were in Euro '04. Wales can't even qualify! You's came close to get in Euro '04, but i'm affraid that is all Stick to Egg chasing
People do care though.. so that's another bollocks comment! You might not care, but that's just because England didn't win it!
yeah, taht's right.. it's the taking part that counts. I'm just pleased that the sport I follow most closely wales are at the top of their game You follow footy first... must be good!
Mate I aint biting! Chilled out doing work while trying to have a good debate, but there's nobody with knowledge here to do that!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Champions You were replying on a PUBLIC message board you nutter Now get back down the mine
So that'll be why u say things like: 'Fuck off! Simple typing error lad! Get a grip!!!' No one cares and you can't handle it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Champions Ha ha. Where you form mate? newcastle? oh, I seam to remember that being a massive mining place. You prick!