YAY!!! :evil: :chill: miller will u have a vodka & shark for me 2nite pls & thanks!!! i wud offer to buy u it but since i'm not going to b there u cud buy it for urself & drink it in my honour!!
I do that to take the piss though, just like I also pat my leg, saying, come here then!!! 'waits for stupid remarks'
awww, amy you have to post some more pics, i love kittens heres a pic of ades lil kitten, buttnutt2....
Awww I'm not a cat lover, but I love that one! ...Was bored, browsing through not-recently-posted-to threads. I want a kitten now! Or another little springer spaniel like my Henry (RIP)
I wish! Just bored.... Think I'll go to bed, really need the sleep, didn't get much last night and got fuck all on Friday night, don't know why that was though! Thinking back, maybe it's cos I stood for 30mins outside my house listening to the birds singing to me before I went in.
Hahahahaha classic! Aye im off ta bed cos I barely slept the past 2 nights... absolutely knackered now!
I'm gonna borrow a camera off someone so I can get some pics. Jus is coming up this weekend so he could take some and post them for me if I havent managed to by then
They are complete bastards! I'm covered in scratches cos they were trying to eat me all day yesterday and they woke me up this morning chasing each other round the bedroom :evil: They're itchies have gone now though. Got some tablets from the pet shop on Sat and they've sorted it. I'm well pissed off at the person we got them off for letting them be like that in the first place though! They couldve got really sick cos of it and possibly even died :evil: