i definately agree, but i just think that some people seemed to have jumped on the holy-ier than thou band wagon when attacking what he's actually done when i'm sure 100% of the drivers on here have broken speed limits at one point or another. 125 is safe nowhere, never mind empty motorways, blah blah blah. My mate works on the motorways, repairs, highway maintenance - stuff like that - he's told me stories of 'incidents' he's arrived at of high speed accidents where they have to clean up - body parts strewn across roads - even one where he saw a trainer on the road - he went to pick it up to find a foot still inside. Speed kills, u can't argue with that and we all break limits - u can't argue with that either. Some ejits just are more wreckless that others.
Not disputing that. Lee, ok, that might have been poorly phrased, but I am sure you know what I was getting at
I know people who have taken drugs and havent stolen anything and arent prostitutes? I think saying they are because of drugs is a bit over the top? Altho i do agree with some of the points ur making n i might have understood what uve said?
So say some tennager buys 5 pills in a pub in Newcastle, does this mean he's indefinetly helped fund the next terrorist attack? How can you, or anyone prove this? Has it been proven? Correct me if I'm wrong (without calling me a dick) and it has actually been proven that the buying/selling of all drugs regardless of their class or location actually helps terrorists, but that sounds like bullshit media scare tactics to me, and it should do to you too. Thats not to say none of it funds terrorists, however I seriously doubt profit from selling adds zeros to Osama's bank balance. The only 'organised crime' going on would be dealers meeting their contacts for some more of their finest.. whatever they're selling. Fink saying: and you saying: makes me laugh.. And dangerous driving (in all forms) costs more lives than illegal drug abuse, any day. Just because our roads are the safest in the world, doesn't mean we can ignore the fact that 'More than 3,500 people are killed in the 250,000 road accidents that happen every year in the UK.' Compare that fact that the following illegal drugs killed 1172 people (in 1999, all I could find) and I think its easy to see which kills more. I'd expect these figures to have risen last year, but not considerably. Heroin/Morphine: 754 Methadone: 298 Cocaine: 87 Ecstasy: 26 Cannabis: 7 I don't condone drug abuse or anything, but dangerous driving is more of a problem to our society than necking a few pills or puffin d'herb innit.
It really pisses me off when i'm driving up the A1 past dozens of police cars and Rossi's snorting speed off the back of his phone
i do it off the dashboard, while blindfolded, foot to the floor round a roundabout. with my hands behind my back. fact.
a bit off topic but how do they get those figures? cos alot of people who die will not just have one drug in their body, eg where will some1 fit in if they had cocaine and ecstacy in their bloodstream?
And dangerous driving (in all forms) costs more lives than illegal drug abuse, any day. Just because our roads are the safest in the world, doesn't mean we can ignore the fact that 'More than 3,500 people are killed in the 250,000 road accidents that happen every year in the UK.' Compare that fact that the following illegal drugs killed 1172 people (in 1999, all I could find) and I think its easy to see which kills more. I'd expect these figures to have risen last year, but not considerably. Heroin/Morphine: 754 Methadone: 298 Cocaine: 87 Ecstasy: 26 Cannabis: 7 I don't condone drug abuse or anything, but dangerous driving is more of a problem to our society than necking a few pills or puffin d'herb innit. [/B][/QUOTE] You are right there Nass, but I think what was meant was the overall drugs culture, not just the "people necking a few pills and puffin d'herb", but the ones who are above that, the traffickers etc etc. Look at immagration problems etc, so many are linked to drugs. Then there is the people whos houses get burned down, whos families are shot dead, the people who are gunned down on the street because of drugs. Its that side of drugs that has a more detremental effect on society. Strange having such a serious topic in this forum
But dont you think that if people have got it in them to do them sort of things then it isnt the drugs that are the problems but the people themselfs? If a normal person has drugs they dont suddenly turn into a crazy murderer, its usually the crazy people to start off with and the fact they have drugs doesnt suddenly make them do these certain things...
No-one can win this argument. I could say, in that case, lets take ino consideration ALL car crime. Stolen cars, tax evasion, speeders, drunk driving etc etc as well. And what about the people who steal and sell cars to fund drug addiction, who in turn fund drug traffickers, who in turn fund terrorism and so on and so on. My point is that we could both find things that are caused by either 'drugs abuse' or 'car crime' and use it to prove that one is worse than the other and the argument would be endless. Using that argument, I can't complain abt anything criminal ever again just because I haven't been an angel myself. Surely that can't be right? Either way, its still moving away from the point of the thread.
Basically in summary of the whole thread it was very shit that he took a photo while speeding and dangerous and shudnt ever do it again
im not being sarcastic or anything, i just want to know where you get your info from, especially the fact about immigration problems being linked to drugs? i havent read anything like that.. ps. im not being sarcastic pps im not being sarcastic..
hmmm, you cant really say that tho. Cos theres proportionally loads more people who drive than take drugs. and they dirve more frequenty. So its a bit of a bad comparison.
britains road are not the safest in europe. they are not the worst by any means, bear in mind we are the most congested country in the EU and this has a direct relation to accidents regarding costs. ive learnt something from this bastard dissertation "whoop whoop"
i dunno if dangerous driving is worse than drug-related crime. it's not just the few people doing a few pills and smoking you've got to take into consideration - what about the people supplying drugs and how they're brought into the country - how and where they're made, drug crime and people commiting crimes to pay for heroin and their knock on effects. Large gangs of criminals controlling dealing on estates - there's a lot more than just a few happy clubbers getting kRaZy on a weekend....