Call to scrap 'anti-teen' device

Discussion in 'News & Current Affairs' started by ManofScience, Feb 12, 2008.

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  1. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    A white judge said that, and found the men all not guilty. A white judge also found four men not guilty of raping an 11 year old boy (just sexual assault) and said male victims of child abuse should just get on with life, as it "happened all the time in boarding schools in England in the 1930's."

    Australians are very very racist, and many freely admit to being so. Take this text from a work mate (a graduate surveyor) the day after Kevin Rudd apologised to the lost generations

    "KEVIN RUDD SAYS SORRY. I'm sorry you were born black. I'm sorry u r thieving bastards. I'm sorry u wont work. I'm sorry u r piss heads. I'm sorry u r petrol & glue sniffers. I am very very sorry that Captain Cook didnt kill the fucking lot of u BLACK BASTARDS when he first saw u"

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