Aye, was a bit disappointing but if you play it on the hardest levels it takes longer to complete... Get most achievements for playing on the harder levels too Online is good crack- like the levelling system and the amount of unlockables, keeps it interesting
got crysis to battle through now, that should be another good one, still havent attempted bioshock either :O
I just went halfers on an xbox360 with my m8. Her flatmate and his m8 completed the game in about 7 hours of straight gaming. Is that good? They reckon they're total gaming nerds but I think I'd have them at Unreal Tournament
7 isnt bad, think i did it in about 5 1/2, didnt put the fucker down like. one of the best games ive ever played i reckon. medal of honor airborne was mint aswell but everyone slated it. one day ill get bioshock played on, ive just got a few so im spoilt for choice, got cod 4, crysis, UT3, biochock and a few others, i find if you have more than about 2 then u never play any
I need a game that is good for 2 player and not that hard to get used to. I've went halfers on the xbox with a girl so the whole FPS thing is difficult for her although she tries bless her I wouldn't mid a good racing game since forza 2 is like a driving lesson.
:upyours: i actually retract that statement, it's the dogs bollocks COD!!! Love using the stinger/javelin
Also the bit where the dogs come after you, one got a double tap but the other ripped my throat out the first time i got to that bit Playing it with one of these which only makes it better again!!!