Blackberry Emails

Discussion in 'Technology' started by MaGoo, Sep 26, 2012.

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  1. MaGoo


    Apr 6, 2009
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    Anyone got any ideas on how to resolve this....

    I'm receiving emails in my Blackberry but they're only being stored for a few hours before being deleted. The emails are still stored on Outlook on my laptop. I have the Blackberry set to store emails 'forever', but it doesn't seem to be working.

    Somebody has told me this is because the email account is set to POP3 and not IMAP but I can't change it to IMAP. The same person said the only way to change the email account to IMAP is to delete the account and set it up again, selecting IMAP when doing so.
    1. Will this work?
    2. Will I lose all my emails if I delete the account and set it up again?
    The email is provided by ehosting, if that makes any difference.
    Any help and advice would be appreciated as this is now getting right on my cheb end.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    I don't think it's because you're using POP3. POP3 and IMAP are two different protocols used to receive email from inboxes, but they work in pretty much the same way.

    As an example, the server that this website is hosted on also has it's own mailserver, which is based on a linux application called Dovecot. Dovecot allows for users to connect to retrieve their emails using either IMAP or POP3 (ssl or non-ssl). Whichever method is used, the end result is the same. My PC at home uses Outlook with POP3, my iphone uses IMAP (both using SSL) and they both connect to the same application behind it and retrieve the same emails.

    I suspect it's to do with the settings on the blackberry.

    Are the emails staying in the POP3 inbox and then getting deleted, or is your blackberry downloading it from the box and deleting it on the blackberry? If it's the latter, it may be the blackberry inbox settings.

    I've got Outlook on my PC set to store emails on the server for 14 days and to delete messages from the server when I delete them from the inbox. I've set my iPhone up in a similar manner. Both work without any problems.
  4. adam.

    adam. kthxbi

    Dec 10, 2003
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    MistaK likes this.
  5. MaGoo


    Apr 6, 2009
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    I've got the setting the same as the other lads who have Blackberries but it's still deleting them. The only difference is that their email acount is set to IMAP, not POP3, which leads me to believe this is the problem.

    And aye, Blackberries are fucking wank. It feels like it's miles behind my personal iPhone.

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