how do u know? have u been following me again mr E? this is the most un-intelligent thing i think ive said recently : undisclosed person- "what football team do u support?" me - "Newcastle, u?" undisclosed person - "chelsea" me - "why? u dont even live in manchester" hmmmmm
i think banning peeps for express an opinion is a bad idea, unless it's blatantly offensive shit like 'cyber rooles!' i think the moral of the story is don't say something on the board that u wouldn't say to anyone's face, which is what I apply to my rantings...
this board is taken far too seriously. its gettin beyond a joke! a little piss takin is no big thing.......not every1 on here has same personality, beliefs, ideas etc so therefore u'd expect a bit of banter...its life! fair enuff if it goes beyond the boundaries.......but ive rarely seen that happen and when it does peeps usually sort it out themselves! besides....when the administrator takes the piss, u cant expect others not too!
Take that back! I've been o0n my best behaviour letely and don't think I've said a harsh word in weeks
that lasted all of 30 seconds went and called someone a nonce *takes foot out of mouth* your right theres still room for improvement
i think being rood and agressive is a vital role for a small amount of peeps on the board, and life would be dull without it! smart one, we fufill a need! ps thank u for relaying my telephone message in response to last week's drivel, much appreciated!
lol unfortunatly the more sensible of moderators closed the forum (boooo!) before you could reply was looking forward to a huge showdown
to be honest I've got better things to do than facillitate that sad get's arse licking of anyone who mite enchance his DJ career... me and (poss) technofish will be @ the 'do' on sat, I'm sure we can all sort it out like proper grown-ups then...