then it isn't your disc that's the problem, you got yourself a postural dysfunction sit up straight, modify your desk space etc etc
Yes I didnt think it was a good idea to crack ur back. Nooo, It was my mums wedding yesterday so I was very drunk and all that, thats probably why it hurts more today, but it is usually always a little bit bad, sometimes worse than others. I should probably just straighten up in general even when I walk I kind of lean forward I think everyone does but recently Ive been trying to straighten up!
yeah i always thought it was posture related, im a bad one for slouching in a seat and that sitting up straight for a month tends to sort it my problem is a always fall back into the old habits, once im getting no pain do you know what it is im actually feeling pain from? is it in the muscles, ligament, bones ?
Get yourself to a Chiropractor (sp??) My lass had been having back pains for ages but as soon as she started going to see a Chiropractor on a regular basis they have started to fade away.. You never know it might be something more serious than muscular problems! Its better to get it checked out!!
you are overstretching the muscles when you're sitting slouched, thats why they're ok in the morning but as the day goes on they ache as you sit badly and hold them in a position they are not comfortable in ideally, you should always have your pelvis in a neutral position to aviod back ache, so practice tilting it backwards and forwards and get used to feeling where the middle is, and aim to keep it there when you sit. doing this will automatically recruit your extensors which will keep a nice curve in your lower back when you sit
Go dave, but I'm a right lazy fucker and don't sit in chairs properly and I don't have bad back, does that mean I've got an uber spine. Class the other day to, on pauls login, I thought it was paul at first being well gay.
Re: Bad Back I know all about this one - ruptured 4 discs squatting 260 last year. If it was not caused by acute trauma, it is most likely caused by muscle imbalance. Some hypers, some situps, and a double hamstring stretch every day will have you sorted in no time For the pain - get them to give you some cocodamol and stack it with some choice smoke - only way i could sleep. Harry Edit - see if they will cough up some decent opiate, codeine or hydrocodone will hit the nail on the head. Lay it on thick, say how it's disrupting your life and sleeping patterns, work, etc - they will be sympathetic.
I get pain in the lower back sometimes and sometimes "trap" something. I find that bending backwards and arching the back helps and can free whatever it is thats trapped. I get someone to hold me hands then i bend BACKWARDS over a sette of something then let all my weight fall onto my lower back THEN relax... you can feel the discs spred then hold it and relax for a min or so.
Re: Re: Bad Back They gave me cocodomol and codeine but it didn't take much of the pain away :spangled: