aww....ickle babby

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by crasherbiatch, Apr 2, 2003.

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  1. *sYmBoLiC'aNgLe*


    Apr 2, 2003
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    LMAO not @ u i might add, just the fact ur post started real nice and was interesting and then went like 'the fuckin bitch' it just made me laugh, but yeah us lasses can be real monsters sometimes i hate my ex-sister in law to b - pure bitch!
    but ahem...... i'm going 2 b a auntie in september cant wait to c the scan pictures.
  2. Ruth

    Ruth Registered User

    Sep 10, 2002
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    Hoochie Mamma
    aww heather how cute is your neice....:D

    still wudn't have 1 of my own like cos they puke & poop lots!! eugh!! :)
  3. Guest

    LMFAO, i actully thourt u were a splitarse, reading them first two lines.
  4. Guest

    u dont know half the shit she has put me thru like, sorry if i sounded offensive to woman, its just that ive got no respect 4 woman, except my little girl, mam, nana, partners can fukk off like.
  5. Guest

    wtf, ex sister in law to b, whats that all about................r i get it, your kids get a divorce, it takes me a while but i get there in the end.

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