Its the most amazing looking film ive ever seen in my life - i wanted to cry at points i was that overcome with it all. totally totally brilliant. Walking out into the pitch black and rain afterwards seemed shit compared to that world. Brilliant
finally seen this last week, wasnt impressed at all like. boring story shite cgi i know its meant to be a fantasy world but if you're going to spend £425 million on cgi at least make it look as real as possible and not like disney characters. Transformers still wins the cgi realism battle for me like, now if only they'd make a mask film .............
eh Ah yeh, sorry - i'll ask terry, the alien from down the road to give them a ring and give them a true description of what extra terrestrials look like and for that matter, i'll ask him to give them a run down on what an alien world looks like as well.........
Predictable story taking a sideswipe at US forgien policy and ignoring the similarities to the US/Native American story - but it was all about the visuals. amazing. what IMAX and 3-D were made for. blew me away. Even the new seats i never swapped arse cheeks because of numbness. loved it.
Come on were we watching the same film, yeah the storyline was a bit simple but the effects were the best i have scene in CGI, the battle scene were great.IMO If the home world was disney is was disney on liberty Caps. Just hoping that James Cameron is using the same effects on the Alien Prequal.
I thought it balenty was pointing out the story between the European Immagrants and Navero Indians in the U.S. It could be the story of most European Colonisation of Native tribes in resource rich countrys to be honest.
what i meant was it looked too much like a cartoon , and let me know what terry says - ill be interested to hear his views
I find it interesting how so many people see so many meanings in the story... from theregister (
loved the Pandorans, loved the planet. really beautiful. Liked the premise of the film but hated the resolution. Meat head marine gets really mad and persuades the entire planets warriors to attack ultra high tech weaponry on horseback with bows and arrows. They are predictably slaughtered like rabbits. They eventually triumph by a series of ludicrous exploits by our hero (helped by the fact that the baddies can't shoot straight and miss him every time) and they go back to their own ruined planet never to return (as if) Like all American movies problems can only be resolved by violent action. No wonder they are like they are when fed a diet like this. It's a cowboys and indians film really. but it did look beautiful
Finally saw this at the weekend in 3D (not Imax) - best movie I've ever seen and probably will see for a number of years - and because of it being my first 3D experience and the quality of the sound, it felt like I was actually 'there'. I don't know if Brid was taking the piss, but I don't think he was because I felt exactly the same. How beautiful were the glowing plants/mushrooms etc? Reminiscent of those sea creatures we have here that glow underwater. Absolutely amazing.. I'd pay £20 to see that, it only cost me £10.
I'm going to see it again at the Imax in a couple of weeks to get the best version of it.. any idea how much longer its on for?