Thats maybe but shindig has a much bigger crowd than promise and a much bigger reputation. There is so much more to making a success of a night than putting ona big fucking name! Tiesto played at the uni and it was dead... If all it took only big names to make a successfull night gatecrasher wouldn't of shut down for summer and every promoter would be a gozillionaire.
tiesto played at the uni, on a thursday night, about 2 years ago his reputation has grown somewhat since then though i agree with what you say
my point was, if you really wanna see a dj badly enough, you would cough up big bucks i would pay £15/20 to see tiesto cos ive always wanted to see him simple as
and it wasnt very well advertised imo. i didnt see one poster or flyer in town for weeks before the gig and i fuckin work in town.
yeah, he was well lucky to get out of there alive. he told every cyberkid he saw he hated them, and then asked them why the fuck where they still living in 1998. before laughing at them again and calling them wankers, he then got bored and started abusing tiesto. he then continued drinking straight vodka on the plane home until about 11am.. we thought he was gonna struggle to get on the plane when he kind of became un-concious on the bus from the gate to the plane. the spanish didn't really seem to care.
that was it... they never advertised it at all, i only found out off people on here, none of my mates or anyone else i know, knew it was on, only seemed to be advertised in the uni
I would go, but for a lot of people they wouldn't be willing to pat £20+ to see 1 DJ with local support.
He didnt ram the place when he was on at the sugarshack just over a month ago. Tho in middlesbrough everything has to b funky
It seems there just isn't enough DJ's that can appeal to the punter, fill the club and be worth the money they cost. Perhaps supporting and promoting the residents is the best way forward.
I think them DJ's are out there it the price to put them thats the problem. There wasnt that many people @ Local Heroes/Trance Classics. Sundiss has always been good at turning its resident DJs into superstars thus pulling in crowd but @ the same time keeping costs down.
shindig filled out at the baltic because- shindig is the percived "cool" at the moment shindig has been going for 11 years it was its birthday it was at the baltic... an unusual venue it was a bank holiday it was a sunday - think chickenheads at hed kandi and coolnote, a ready market for a sunday night event it was erik morrillo, possibly the most famous dj in the world it was tim deluxe a dj with chart success imvho
a new girl started at my work last night and we were talkin about clubbing... she said she loved hard house +trance so i asked her if she went to promise... she said shed heard it was really good and she loved ferry corsten but she didn't know much about it.. now shes coming to scot project with me... obviously i agree with u spence about the pub city/ hen and stag night thing, i know it only too well... but there is a massive untapped market up here +for some reason people like the girl i met at work last night aint goin to promise/ shindig cos they arent being told about it in someway... i dont think we live in a shit city for it at all, i think it has massive potential. if that all makes sense
Tiesto - 18 grand? I've seen him do 6 hour sets (which would mean a bigger fee) at gods kitchen which only cost 12 quid to get in. Maybe he just overprices clubs he's not that bothered about playing at and charges reasonable prices for ones he does