
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TranceyDJ, Apr 27, 2002.

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  1. sloppy

    sloppy Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    at the back, observing the action...
    ive been to crasher once in well over 2 months...i aint no crasher kid...i went through a period of goin regularly from august to january and in this time made loads of mates...i understand what you say though...there are loads of arrogant twats in there...ignore them and talk to the nice people:)simple

    dave is right though...first time at promise....loved the music and club but thought the crowd were the most unfriendly ever...feared for my life stood in the que in cyber

    been goin to promise since last feb smart e, but only recently in the past few months have started goin more and more *spot the trend* ive made more friends

    just a question joe? u comment upon how poo crasher is alot...yet u never go?:p

    that makes me the winner
    ;) :p

    one final thing...we both were on about how SSNorf isnt a friendly club...yet we both regard that as one of the best...just a thought
  2. bigdave

    bigdave Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    on its side
    ooohhh.....joe vs dave ????

    joe - u never believed how boring picotto had become either cos of how good he was last at promise...but now you have seen for yourself do you believe!!!
  3. kalashnikov

    kalashnikov Registered User

    Mar 27, 2002
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    Well, you say clubs, I can only think of one: Crasher.

    But Crasher are blatant profiteers. They like to say they give things back to their fans, but when things get tough, they cut their weekly events in Sheffield!

    Also, Crasher have the same bloody lineups every year. I think Crasher are about as commercial as it gets when it comes to trance.

    I agree, staying open until 6am isn't easy, but how about 4am every week? Plenty of clubs all over the country afford to do that! Even Legends do it every Saturday!

    I'm not knocking Promise, but it's now time that Newcastle catch up with the rest of the country. We have great atmosphere and crowds up here, but an arsehole of a council.

    I think promise could push for a weekly 4 o clock license though. Legends got it.
  4. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Joe Vs both Daves!

    I stopped going to crasher ages ago, the last time I went was Picotto and that was after a half year break... I have always found it an unfriendly club, I never went when it was at its peak as was scared I wouldn't get in (I was a very young looking 17 so waited till I was 18) So my first time was sometime in 2000.

    I wasn't dressed in cyber as I didn't even know what cyber was! I felt very unwelcomed - I spent all the night staring in awe at these cool luminious cyber gimps - thought they were the coolest people I'd ever seen, even tried making conversation with a few but they smiled n walked off, I went back to flapping my arms about :D The next few times I wore cyber - a lot more people talked to me (until they saw me dance ;) ) - but shunned my non-cyber mate?!?!? I stopped wearing cyber to crasher and again everyone shunned me!

    What si friendly about that... were you per-chance wearing cyber on your first visit?

    My first time in promise I went on my own as a skanky bitch stood me up! I was dressed in topman trousers and a topman t-shirt - not beerboy looking but certainly not cool, I couldn't dance (kinda liquid style :D), I wasn't super cool - I was just your average joe... yet everyone talked to me... from the cooler looking clubbers to the gibbons :D

    I have frequently took mates to promise and found it just as friendly... everything from the messageboard meet-up'd to the general club ambience is evidence of what a friendly place Promise is, whoever you are you are welcomed (they even like me and I'm jewish ;) )...

    I'd say the only people who get slightly intimadated by our beer boys were ex crasher kids who hear horror stories of cybers getting beaten to a pulp by shirt wearing gibbons... yet my only expereinces of our beer monsters have been friendly ones - they're not there to impress you with their waffing or glowiness like crasher kids, they're out to get pissed and have a good night to the music... The lack of arrogance makes promise something speciual in my eyes :D

    But nowadays even the cybers feel comfortable in promise, from the new crasher regulars like becky, seth and co - to the old promise cybers like messy, dexta, doggie, etc.

    Your gang is the only gang I've met that felt unwelcomed in promise... there is most deffinatly cliques... but unlike crasher these cliques are very approachable :D
  5. TranceyDJ

    TranceyDJ Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Well, due to the massive reaction caused by my original thread, I decided that a final post was in order to straighten out a few points. My original post was perhaps a little unfair in that it targetted a huge amount of people, most of which it wasn't aimed at. Perhaps a few beers left my fingers less than boy I hear you all squeal!
    Having not visited Promise on Friday, I decided to drive past on my way to work, at 05.30 on Saturday morning. As it looked a little quiet at that time, I decided to visit the board throughout the day, hoping for a decent review of the night....and hopefully a comprehensive review of the tunage played. Rather than finding a review worth reading, I found the usual extremes of it being being crap. At this point I noticed that it always seems to be the same people have have a wonderful time every week at Promise. Perhaps I am unusual in that I go clubbing to listen to music, I don't really care what the night is or who is there....the success of my night is dominated by the sets played by the DJ's. For this reason I won't go into my favourite night out, it all depends on the music....I have had good and not so good nights in most of the club nights that I've visited. Promise is no exception in that I feel it can be an excellent night when the music suits.
    I.M.O. message boards should be used for useful purposes, but I find that I have to trawl through loads of shit to find anything worth reading. Come on, what's all this *mwas* and *hugs*? I won't go as far as others and call these people gay , but, Promise is a club for over 18's and at times this board looks like it belongs in a primary school.
    Although I won't respond to the majority of the replies to my thread, I feel that a few replies deserve response:-
    DoctorMick - You have been most outspoken and abusive in your lets get a few facts right here. I refer to your original post of 03.04.02, barely a month ago :- "As I have never been to Promise before, I was wondering what the dress code is like. Would I get away any of the following?" Hardly a regular supporter of the club now are we?...although you have since had time to clog the board with 523 posts!
    Smart E - As a moderator of the board you are a major influence on a very powerful media, in the world of Promise. Your comment :- "I think where you've missed out TranceyDJ is you've never come to a meet-up, nor do you frequently post on the message board... infact I think I've only seen you at Promise twice..." You really need to be a little more observant in your position....not only have I been a supported Promise from the start, I have been to Promise nights on 7 occasions so far this year. In fact, I seem to remember giving you a hand to distibute free beer at the Scott Bond major meet up....or did I drink it all? I've spoken to you on all of my visits to the club this year but have often had a blank look in response?...friendly?...I even offered to give you a lift over one day if I was driving, due to us both living in the sticks. I ask myself, would I have been given a warmer response if I had a dummy sticking out of my mouth and flashing lights on my tee-shirt?
    Enough of my ramblings...I'd like to give a big thank you to all of the people who have supported my comments with mails and PM's, although you admitted that your bottle did not extend to going public....
    thank you and goodbye.
  6. kalashnikov

    kalashnikov Registered User

    Mar 27, 2002
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    I agree with a lot of that Smart E.

    Most the cybers I've met have been really friendly, shirt or no shirt.

    But then you get the arseholes who think they are the clubbing elite because they spent 70 quid on some spandex yellow pants, and then they go on about how great Ralphie B and Rank 1 and Paul Oakenfold are!!

    I much prefer the no-nonsense approach you get at Promise. The people seem less like bullshitters. They're there to have a laugh, rather than treat the dancefloor as a fashion show.
  7. Doggie

    Doggie Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    DAMN thats long!!:p
  8. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Yes I was very nasty to you, my first paragraph was in your fecking defence! Like you had an opinion about Promise, I had an opinion about your opinion... I express my opinion in a civil manner and you call me unfriendly? What do you fucking want? Next time I see you I could bend you over and butt fuck you... would that make you feel better... would you feel more loved?!?!?!?

    For fucks sake, I have never been accused of being unfriendly... I meet at least 20 new faces every night in Promise, its often hard to remember who is who... I never intentionally blank anyone - I try to make a point of being frienmdly to everyone regardless of whether I like them or not - as I'm out to enjoy myself not stress over nobbers.

    But arrogant?!?!? I really did appricate you offering me a lift and I told several people what a nice bloke you were, stop acting like such a little bitch, people disagree with you and you go in a strop and leave the board? How fucking old are you...

    As for sticking a dummy in your mouth, you'd only spit it out.

    I thought everyone treated your post in a shitty way... but to be honest I couldn't give a shit now... your acting a complete fucking nobber... grow up :D
  9. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Amen :D
  10. rachel

    rachel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    happy happy!! :)
    oh please cant we all just chill out all little bit,
    trancey dj - me dont wanna sound like a bitch but its a message board for gods sake cant we put things into perspective and stop taking things so seriously and i know that it aint just you doing that mes jumped on my high horse several times in the past couple of days due to certain posts but please can we just all chill out and stop slagging each other off n just make friends its a message board after all which is meant to be some form of entertainment and a place to express views so can we just stop looking so much into everything that people say please its all getting an iccle bit too serious at times.... xxxx
  11. DoctorMick

    DoctorMick Registered User

    Apr 2, 2002
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    Sunderland :)
    You are probably right, I was maybe out of order in my orginal post but so were you!!! (I know, 2 wrongs doesn't make a right etc.)

    What has me not being a Promise regular got anything to do with this thread? I never once stated I was a regular or that I have even been more than twice! I also don't ever recall stating that Promise was the best club night I have ever been too!

    Hey, what can I see, I just love the primary school level chat we have on this board!

    * mwuh *

    Anyway, apologies to anyone I may have offended during my unreasoned rants!!! :)
  12. kalashnikov

    kalashnikov Registered User

    Mar 27, 2002
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    TranceyDJ, if you want a no nonsense review of the night, I'll quickly try and break it down without the *mwas* and "lol dat was real cool when so-and-so had his glowsticks".

    Richard Tulip warmed it up well, although I'll admit I don't remember much of that, as I was too intoxicated. Corvin Dalek's set was progressive for the most part, but he laid down some banging tuneage towards the end, warming up for Picotto. From 11 onwards the place really was packed. Most of the cybers were at the back, enjoying the lasers and the space. Dalek ended with some banging hard trance. There was a huge roar and arms in the air as Picotto hit the decks. I took this opportunity to grab a spot closer to the front. I can't remember much of his tuneage, but his set was cracking. Good crowd interaction, pulling a lot of faces and working up the crowd. Shaking hands and signing autographs and reading the text on people's mobile phones all the while (I couldn't help but think in the last half hour his mixing seriously deteriorated because of people hassling). Being techno music, there were only a couple of breakdowns in the whole 3 hour set. He also dropped "Anthos - Oh my God" or 'the south park tune' as some people here might remember it.

    Other tunes which stood out were "Dariush - IRA", I seem to remember "Marco Zaffarano - Re-take (Tedesco mix)", "Umek - Gatex" (I believe he mixed two versions of these together, or was that just me?). He also dropped his own tunes, like Verdi, Back to Cali (someone told me he dropped this but I don't actually remembe rit myself) Baguatte and Bangkok. He dropped some other Umek tune as well.

    By the end of his set, the place was almost as packed as at midnight, although a few people had left. It was still a bit of a fight for a space near the front.

    Matt Hardwick had no crowd interaction whatsoever. In fact, I don't recall him ever even looking up from his decks. He started off with Ding a Ling (Scot Project mix) and I thought that was the start of a banging set. But then suddenly we begin to hear Airwave and Massive and other tunes of that 1999 epic style. The crowd didn't seem to be enjoying it much, and the contrast to Picotto's set was too sudden. Not a very professional start in my opinion. His set got better towards the end, but never really climaxed. A couple of tunes which pleased the crowd were "Symphony of Strings - Don't want your Love (Donald & Giles mix?)" and "Marc Dawn - Expander (flutlicht mix)".

    Nearing 6, it was very easy to find a space to dance, but the place was certainly by no means empty.

    Matt Hardwick's mixing was top drawer, I'll give him that. But he didn't really give the crowd what they wanted, from what I observed.

    I only left the dancefloor three times in the whole night. One was to get the drinks in, and twice for the toilet. I was really sobering up late on, hence why I remember more tunes. The crowd at the front were really enjoying it, and were a friendly bunch. I was talking to some Scottish lad, bumped into two people from my history class, met a lad I used to be a glass collector with who I havn't seen for 6 months. It was a great laugh.

    Drinks prices: the Double Vodka and Red Bull was hiked up to £3, but Grolsch was £2 a bottle. Still a rip-off, but not bad for a club I guess. Most clubs on until 6 have higher prices than that.

    All in all it was a great night. The place has good acoustics and a thumping sound system, and the layout creates a good club.

    It was incredibly hot late on, with condensation form the sweat beginning to drip from the ceiling at the end of the night.
  13. DoctorMick

    DoctorMick Registered User

    Apr 2, 2002
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    Sunderland :)
    I agree on this, I apologise for my previous posts, I was a little out of order!!!

    BTW, surely Jems post about meeting him was a joke!!!
  14. kalashnikov

    kalashnikov Registered User

    Mar 27, 2002
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    Challenge for the day: try saying all that out loud without stopping once for a breath!! :D

    Don't mean to take the piss, but some full stops wouldn't hurt. That is hard to read!
  15. Guest

    Dont turn this into a Cybers spoil Promise carry on.

    There are hardly any "Cybers" in the club, quite a few "Try Hards" tho.

    Have a big group hug and forgot about it.

    *MWAHS* & *HUGS*
  16. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Hahahahaha mate, she COULD say that without taking a breath!!!!!!!

    Rachel types as she mint?? Lol... :D
  17. DoctorMick

    DoctorMick Registered User

    Apr 2, 2002
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    Sunderland :)
    I would class myself as a try hard!!! :(
  18. helz

    helz Registered User

    Feb 20, 2002
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    :mad: here fuck off, i'd rather spend an hour decoding any of rachels posts than skim over yours with punctuation

    where the fuk did you come from anyway? you don't half talk some fucking crap

    and NOOOOO u cant come o our afterparties :D

    (mutley laugh)

    p.s is kalishnofukoff really real or is it another of smartE's wind ups...or is this the one outside of promise asking the last few people for a party? :confused:
  19. kalashnikov

    kalashnikov Registered User

    Mar 27, 2002
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    but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need!
  20. kalashnikov

    kalashnikov Registered User

    Mar 27, 2002
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