I totally understand what youre saying, youre a business man, not a charity. I just didnt like being called sad for liking Armin.
to be fair, a lot of people on the board have said how much they are looking forward the christopher lawrence, seeing someone new really makes the difference...
i think i'm turning bitter... i was never like this... i'm starting to sound like "it was better when they played prog in the early years" moaners... it must be parenthood
its rare but I agree with everything deakin is aying in this thread But I am wondering how long the cue for armin is. he said he would play for me, and I have enough money to book him, BUT is his popularity and in mixmag replicated in newcastle. now theres a question. 800 punters would do me like!
it's the people who sit on their pc all day crying out for the big names to play, and not going to see anyone else that means clubs can only be filled by having 'the same old' djs on now! the fact that the new generation of clubbers just sit collecting pictures of tiesto and armin from the internet and only leave the house when they are on means they can charge what they want, and rip everyone off! why does no-one want to go to see new acts anymore, is it all a bit too exciting? it wasn't so long ago tiesto played an empty room at newcastle uni, and armin was playing raukous in sheffield which closed after only a few months! how about starting some new trends instead of jumping on ones about 4/5 years too late!
the thing is that the internet has created a culture where everything can be done from home and mixmag still panders to big names , both of these have got alot to answer for. newcastle is a bit narow minded musically for new things to be given the chance to work. also BIG names didnt just become big names did they???
this is very true mark but as i stated in another thread a while back, this policy u have will bite you in the arse long term. When people get bored of these same names that you book then wot are u gonna do then? without championing some up and coming talent along with the big names atm (to raise ur money) then there will be no support for any new names when u need it. it just seems like common sense to me to have a couple of big names on to keep the masses happy then some1 new to keep the whingers on here happy and to give u something to work on in the future if u choose the right up and coming djs then they will have their own fanbase before too long. i understand that is wot u have done this time with chris lawrence and well done to u for that, but thats once in a blue moon, imo it needs to be done constantly, but hell who am i? i havent run a club night for 5 years so i must know nothing...
katana will be awesome as will cor, who i was hugely impressed with on the boat. kai tracids another one i've been wating to see. gavyn mitchell's a good dj, who i was offered at twisted but turned back as theres better local talent. chris davies i aint heard of. eddie jules always plays well up here, and pulls a good crowd. matt A & B Marcos, like to see him again as i didnt think he was to clever on the boat. Marco V looking forward to this one more than any of the others, the blokes a legend. nice mixture, great lineups, if you ask me. well done mark
Get in!!! Randy Katana Saw him a Trance Energy, he was mint! Downloaded a few of his sets too! absolute quailty Nice one Mark
nice one mark, nice to see some new names in there :clap: are quite a few of those playing ikon in may?? looks to be quality if katana, fijneman ect are playing there
Randy K - Nice booking, excellent dj seems to have a bit of a following. Cor - not my cup of tea really but im sure some like him Kai - fairly big name, fairly decent dj (Y) Gavyn - although hes decent enuff he really isnt pioneering anything new and as mik said there are plenty of local djs who can do the same. Chris Davies - Never heard of him Eddie - Just doesnt do it for me anymore, and i think there are quite a few who agree but he still pulls the crowds Jules - fair do's u have to make some money Matt - keeps the regs happy, always has the club jumping A&B - same as matt Marcos - missed him on the boat wouldnt mind seeing him to be fair, he seems to be going away from his hard trance roots and heading to a more pvd sound atm which will def pls some Marco - same as Eddie Overall im not sure whether u have taken heed of comments posted on here or not mark but its nice to see that as well as the big usual names u have stuck a couple of new (to promise) djs in there. Whether or not they are the right newer names to put in im not sure but time will tell on that one. Katana is the best booking ive seen for promise in a long time tho
vuzz have some well corking linups too. with the likes of ronski speed, precision, alucard, ben lost etc. looking forward to these!
well it is most unusual, but i must say I agree with Marks earlier posts. Fair enough, I would love to see Armin come to Promise - but I know nowt about running a night, and neither do most people on this board....which is why its so easy to say "get armin" etc....the implications of this don't actually come accross to the punters but would have a HUGE impact on Promise as a business. It's true that you can't win - Book a big DJ - fill the place, but then get people moaning that its "the same old" etc. and that they want new talent....Book a lesser known DJ - the proper following will go, but leads to a far less packed club. Gabriel and Dresden for example - great DJ's - but that is the emptiest promise I have ever seen!! So balance is indeed important. Those DJs that have just been booked will be amazing though Will have to get to most of them like! Eddie Nice one, hope this is the way 2005 will go
Don’t know where you are getting your info from, but your facts are wrong mark, we have never tried to book any of the djs you have booked for Promise (apart from Richard and Les Hemstock who have both played)
I hate to admit it, but I am probs one of those 'Big name Internet clubbers.' Leeds doesn't (or rarely) have a good trance night. Because I know 2 people in Newcastle, it makes sense to visit them and go to a decent night there, but I won't travel unless I'm sure I'm in for a good night. This is where the big names come in - if it was a night with all lesser known DJ's I would not want to spend the time and money travelling, but rather wait for a night where I knew Promise would be busy and the would be tunes spot on for us. However, I would like to see a big name on, with an up and coming DJ, as long as Richard was still allowed to play. He (IMO) is Promise's best asset Those bookings look good, Mark. It'll be interesting to see the line-ups.
If nobody wants to go see up and coming DJs, how come some of these up and coming DJs go on to become huge??