FACT: You can get arrested for doing any more than look at them. Now tell me again - how am I wrong? does someone have a crush are u broony mark 2?
hmm.. the whole entering Vuzz just after a breakdown and going mental before getting to the bar thing. I was watching Shake it
I wouldn't say either of them were 'Insecure Eggheed & Pre-Pubescent' Or a 'Randy Boy Whore & Niave School Girl' If ya get me
still confused as to wat ya mean!! was a lil bit drunk maybe so thats probs why i aint sure what ur on about!! ah well!! lol!! xxx
Nass are you saying: Broony is a secure spherical face shaped geeza? Katie has started puberty (look at the photo's spot the booby - it aint there ) Clarki is frigid mature gent? Jess is a experienced older woman If your not then sit back and shut the fuck up