The Nixon Congratulations! You are 70% **** compared to everyone else! Well, aren't you a bit of a dickhead. Seems like the world owes you a few favours and it is time to collect. There are two main types of people who fit into this category, those who know they are ****s and don't mind; and those who don't know they are **** and are looking at this category and thinking 'that moron doesn't know me'. For the former category, wooo, at least you are in touch with your inner ****. (or even you stock standard exterior one if you happen to be a girl who knows what she likes.) And for the latter well, you might believe in karma, in that case all you are doing is helping some people get rid of their bad karma. Doing a community service really. ****.
Joe Average Congratulations! You are 60% **** compared to everyone else! Don't you hate it when you take a test just to find out that 50% of people in your age group scored lower than you did. Well it has happened again, you are the middle of the road, not too much of an arsehole but your neighbours kids know not to piss you off. Keep in mind you can still improve, why not go outside and start building a speed hump on a freeway, epoxy some porn to a kids playground, or work at subway. Then come back and take the test again. Happy hunting!
Same as Heather... Joe Average Congratulations! You are 54% **** compared to everyone else! Don't you hate it when you take a test just to find out that 50% of people in your age group scored lower than you did. Well it has happened again, you are the middle of the road, not too much of an arsehole but your neighbours kids know not to piss you off. Keep in mind you can still improve, why not go outside and start building a speed hump on a freeway, epoxy some porn to a kids playground, or work at subway. Then come back and take the test again. Happy hunting!
Congratulations! You are 93% **** compared to everyone else! No beating around the bush, you really are a **** and you definately didn't need this test to tell you that. So stop wasting both our time and go back to stealing old peoples life savings and eating babies.