Arabs are "suicide bombers, limb amputators and women repressors".

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheSpence, Jan 9, 2004.

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  1. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    The cops arrested a Arab suicide bomber in the "North of England" yesterday..........

    When they got him, he was completely shaved all over his body. This is because his religion *sniggers* requires this to be done so they go to heaven *sniggers*

    Talk about just in time eh?

    ps. he was a asylum seeker on full benefits
  2. JonnyLowes

    JonnyLowes Registered User

    Sep 11, 2003
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    Sorry if that last one doesn't read as well as it should, only got 30min for me din dins, any way here are some one-way terror attack figures.


    The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Sri Lanka and in India 168
    Hizbullah and pro-Syrian groups in Lebanon, Kuwait and Argentina 52
    Hamas in Israel 22
    The Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) in Turkey 15
    The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in Israel 8
    Al Quaida in East Africa 2
    The Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ) in Croatia 1
    The Islamic Group (IG) in Pakistan 1
    Barbar Khalsa International (BKI) in India 1
    The Armed Islamic Group (GIA) in Algeria 1
  3. xPx

    xPx Registered User

    Oct 14, 2003
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    smog's house... eating his food and spending his m
    Thankyou, that will come in useful for my Terrorism and counterterrorism exam on thursday :D

    I will be picking your brains soon bout my disertation too :p
  4. JonnyLowes

    JonnyLowes Registered User

    Sep 11, 2003
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    You should know by now to not just judge me by my good looks:lol: How come U neva asked B4?

    Oh back at home, like able to sit and have a cupper + a chat home, by the 20th latest. Thats like a week today. Yay.
  5. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    I warned yous about 'Terrorists On Benefits'
  6. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    according to a political journalist from the bbc, london is widely acknowledged as the islamic terrorist capital of the world and that it is this country that poses the greatest threat to the western world...

    if this is true, we should all be worried!
  7. xPx

    xPx Registered User

    Oct 14, 2003
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    smog's house... eating his food and spending his m
    I was going too when you got back.

    Doing something along the lines of 'will the IRA ever be able to achive any of their goals'

    Answer, No. But got to have reasons.

    Just up your street i thought. (some what literaly too.)

    Oh and i want some photo's from there 2 if youve got any :D
  8. JonnyLowes

    JonnyLowes Registered User

    Sep 11, 2003
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    You would have to wait out for any photos/video footage/personal accounts till when I get back. I could get them from various people, but would have to give you them in person.

    Personly I think, ultimatly the IRA, through the political gains on Sinn Fein will, eventually achieve an united Ireland. That is a total cop-out on behalf of the British Government, and is wrong as fook, but may well happen. Thinking of me mates (you remember Ronnie from Belfast right?), this would be a case of the British Government abandoning yet again more of their subjects. Leaked documents from Stormont have already said in that a secret dicussion from an top British and Irish Interior ministers - the British have told the Irish that there will be a United Ireland in 10ys. How wrong is that??????????????????????????????????
  9. xPx

    xPx Registered User

    Oct 14, 2003
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    smog's house... eating his food and spending his m
    Ah but their ultimate aim is for a united Socialist Ireland and total self rule. they cant do that coz the EU wont let them and they cant free them selves from the EU as it would be economicaly devastating. Eire cant cope by themselves as it is, they rely heavily on EU subsedies which is why they went in for the Euro so (comparatively) easily.

    If NI was to unite with them they would also be forced to adopt the euro instead of creating a uniquly Irish currency again.

    But thats what a disatertions for init. to disscuss it.

  10. JonnyLowes

    JonnyLowes Registered User

    Sep 11, 2003
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    This is how the EU stands at the moment, yes, but my point is if the British + Irish governments work together to achieve a united ireland then surley it is just a formality before the EU rules in favour.

    About the Euro, did you know it is legal tender in some shops in Belfast?
  11. xPx

    xPx Registered User

    Oct 14, 2003
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    smog's house... eating his food and spending his m
    Some nationalist or loyalist shops?

    My point was that the foundation for the IRA is a socialist and not a capitalist one, so even if Ireland unites their goals will not be achived.

    Independance means largely self sustaining and non reliant on outside states. This is an incredibly far off goal for a nation which has had a helping hand (i dont mean that in a nonoppressive context either) through out vital formative centuries, creating a reliant modern state.

    The EU would accept NI as a part of a new united Ireland but then the new battle for the IRA would be to pull out of the EU.
    Do they have the strength and influence to do this? (im not sure about that, A few terrorists can have a large influence)
    and can Ireland survive with out the EU or Britain?
  12. JonnyLowes

    JonnyLowes Registered User

    Sep 11, 2003
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    Not fully acheived, granted. I take this point, but refrence the feeling within the Sinn Fein, I think they would happly take the compromise. I also think that the IRA would then claim it won the war, degenerate into smaller fractions and wouldn't bother about the EU. Lets face it as well, the Provos are far too well established now and have too much power to give it all up. They'll still be making money racketeerin and selling drugs.
  13. JonnyLowes

    JonnyLowes Registered User

    Sep 11, 2003
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    Neither - just shops like next and some of the yokle retail shops. I can't speak for the nationalist shops, it wouldn't be a wise move. As for the loyalist shops - fuck off more chance of being stood on the head by a dinosaur!

    They certainly have the infrastucture, but weather or not they would see the EU as the new enemy of the state, seems a bit far off!
  14. xPx

    xPx Registered User

    Oct 14, 2003
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    smog's house... eating his food and spending his m
    And theres my conclusion,

    that really the IRA arent really in it for the ideological reasons anymore - or at least very few are. Its become a kind of twisted institution and the general impression all round is just to get it sorted and over with.

    theyre 'old style' terrorists, people arent as scared since the advent of post modern terrorists which seem like a more imminant threat.

    truth of it is, if it wasnt for the IRA (and i suppose the loyalist reaction to it) NI would probably have devolved into its own power already - the way scotland is going.
    (ie, with economic help)
  15. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    The problem these days is people don't really care enough...... people in general have a high standard of living and are employed (even charvers can get a job in a call centre).... they are happy with their lot.

    Everyone today moans about it but doesn't do anything about it because they still go home to nice house, nice grub and decent standard of living in general...

    If this asylum farce had happened in the 80's various groups would have "done something about it" and forced the government to take action....... the fugees would not have been allowed to walk the streets never mind collect their giros!

    This generations apathy for looking after itself will make this country a complete shit hole for our kids..
  16. JonnyLowes

    JonnyLowes Registered User

    Sep 11, 2003
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    Well, I'm glad we could hammer you dissatation out over the expence of the msg board.

    Now, atleast we can agree on something.
  17. xPx

    xPx Registered User

    Oct 14, 2003
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    smog's house... eating his food and spending his m
    thats the most thinking ive done about it so far:D

    thankyou! knew youd come in useful one day
  18. johntystar

    johntystar Registered User

    Oct 27, 2002
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    Portrush, northern ireland


    who the fuck are you two knumb nuts anyway, if you are writing a dissertation on anything to do with northern ireland, you do not know what the fuck you are talking about at all. utter pish.:mad: :mad: :mad:

    1. As for the british and irish government agreeing that there will be a united ireland in ten years

    - firstly no government would make that statement, i would like to see what primary source you got that one from

    2. have you heard of the wishes of the majority, for northern ireland to leave the united kingdom would mean the majority wishing so, and if you assume that merely guaging the number of catholics and protestants as a guide for these wishes, then you are a fool, economically it is better for nationalists to remain in the union, however much they huff and puff about being irish.

    3.As for euro's being legal tender, where the fuck did you get that from, euro's can be exchanged in certain shops at sterling exchange rates, that is not leagal tender, this practise has been used in border regions everywhere to aid trade, peeps round up the price when doing this, that is why it is popular, as for your term 'nationalist' and 'loyalist' shops......................don't talk shite.

    4. the IRA are not political ideologists, they are thugs and murderers, do not give them the romantic notion that the movies portray, and any referance to a socialist state is 50 years out dated, Eamon de valera wanted that in the 1950's ( before the EU ) Ireland now is a capitalist country and has a good economy, and as for the IRA taking on the EU, fuck me what utter bollocks, where did you pull that plum from.

    5. and you made a comment about if it wasn't for the ira there would be a northern irish state, dear dear what rubbish, you do not understand that northern ireland was reatained as part of the united kindom, and was not set up as a separate protestant state.

    i really am appalled by what i have read, if you are at university and writing a dissertation, i would suggest you leave what little you know of ireland out, or better your research, rather than sitting smugly making stuff up and presenting it as fact.

    :very astonished Ulsterman
  19. xPx

    xPx Registered User

    Oct 14, 2003
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    smog's house... eating his food and spending his m
    Well, you seem to be reasonably far up your own arse. Just because you live there doesnt mean you know everything about the situation or that you had the foggiest what we meant.

    I am studying Politics for my degree and have done an awful lot about the IRA, including their history and ideology.

    If you read it again with out getting to flustered to understand what was said, no one glorified the IRA.

    My disertation is about whether they are still true to their original aims, and whether even if they were, they would be able to achive them.

    about the EU, i didnt say they were trying to take on the EU, i said they would have to if they were to create a United Socialist Ireland (which, if you dont know, was their primary aim) and that it wouldnt be possible to do that.

    I refered to the devolution of ireland and made no reference to it being set up as a Protestant state. No one did infact - think that might be a personal issue you got there?
    What i said was that NI would have been much further down the road to devolution (like Scotland is) than it is now.

    You may remember that there was a Northern Ireland ASSEMBLY (not parliament - thanks to the IRA) set up? this was meant to be part of the devolution process that the people of NI voted for. Regardless of religion - those statistics were not and should not be included in a referendum as im sure youll aggree.

    We were talking about the Euro being used in Eire, not NI and John mentioned that it can be used in some shops in NI, my question about whether these were shops with a perticular ideological stance was entirely relevent, it would be useful to know, it may giv some insight (however small) into the attitudes towards Europe of the NI people.

    As for Johns comments (and i hope you dont mind me saying this babe (Johnnylowes), though you probably wont)
    He has worked in NI for a few years now (you may have gathered hes in the RAF Regiment) and has to know these things and finds out more than just whats said in the papers, if you get my drift.

    Now, compared with someone who works actively against the IRA and someone who has been taught by one of, if not THE formost authorities on the IRA and terrorism at degree level, do you not think that it may be you thats talking bollox by beliving that you know all there is to know just coz you live there?

    Maybe if you took the time to learn about your own country you wouldnt look like such a fool
  20. iamian

    iamian Registered User

    Dec 26, 2002
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    Auckland, NZ
    nige is very passionate about the situation in northern ireland, and very knowledgable about it and its history, i think it's quite immature and stupid of you to assume that you know more about this than he does cos you've done a bit of research into the matter and your mate has worked there for a few years...

    i'm not saying you don't know about the situation, i'm jus saying that my money's on nige cos i know he knows way more about it than you can find out by doing a bit (or even a lot) of research on the net or in books...

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