Back when I were a nipper in the 80's, I spent a few months learning BASIC until I could do small programs etc, believing that it would get me a job when I was older... hmm...
i was a right saddo!! lol- instead of jus playing games like normal kids - i was programming in basic IT ROCKED
I had arguments with my mates about how my Atari 800XL was soooo much better than their Spectrums/Commodores :laugh: Mind you, the graphics on Jet Set Willy were much better on the 800XL I had The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy text adventure game (it came in a box with some assorted items, including some pocket fluff and an empty bag labelled 'Microscopic Space Fleet' ), if I wasn't learning BASIC I was playing that (or Lurking Horror - another fantastic Infocom game) Memories... btw, HHG2G Infocom Java game here: