Maybe when they walk past your machine they see Rob design work Log off here & walk around the office & get chatting to the people who dish the work out & tell them you wouldn't mind something that you can use a whole host of different skills on.
i know what ur saying, but its not like that... we get scheduled work in a meeting on monday... then thats it.. ur on with it.. got my weekly appraisal tomorow and im going to have words...
They will ask you how do you think your doing? Tell them work wise you have enjoyed what you have been doing but (tell them the type of work you would like to have a go at)
look you twunt. i am his girlfriend. bella is sum1 elses girlfriend. just cos you cant hold down a relationship doesnt mean you have to go around ruining other peoples.
chill heather ffs... im at work and im bored... im not in a relationship? to be honest looking at the people around me, im well shot.
can people PLEASE stop saying 'ffs' and btw, saying that martins seeing oher girls is a fairly stupid thing to do cos it means i shout and scream at him and he gets all angry and then he takes it out on his flat stop being a twuntingarsewipe and play nice.
i wasnt myself yesterday (or maybe i was and this is all make believe) nehow, i fucked up and im sorry spence ill potatoshop you a nice picture to say sorry. seems your not evil in the slightest...and toms not that much...its just Liam. i potatoshop now.