aye well im allergic to milk! the protein in it! and its in EVERYTHING! chockies, chees butter, neva realised how much it was in till cudnt eat it no more plus im a vegie so leaves practically nowt that i can eat! its even in sum crisps :evil: I miss korma the most tho
I have quite mega allergy problems too cos I've got Eczema. I'm allergic to tomatoes and oranges but eating them doesnt harm me, it just irritates my skin if i get the juice on me. I get hayfever in the summer and dry grass irritates my skin. I'm allergic to nickel so can't wear cheap jewellery (terrible shame I know). I'm also allergic to lanolin which is a big problem cos loads of skincare products have it in. It feels like someones put acid on my skin if it gets near me. Also, I'm allergic to most washing powders. The worst one is Daz,I get really bad rashes if I wear clothes that have been washed in Daz. I'm also allergic to Heineken! Brings me out in a really really bad rash if I ever drink it :spangled: :spangled: