Ain't you being nice? What you after? Women are never nice unless they want summint. Gaynor is really nice but i am not good enough for her because i am the worlds biggest **** n im sorry im a dick i cant help myself n i like stickin gerbils up my backside see Happy now?
Now now Ruth. Don't be getting mean cause you can't have me anymore. How are ya anyhow aint seen ya for ages? How's things going with Ken?
i'm just trying to encourage you to admit your faults dearest dunc, you seemed to have issues with that so i remember! i'm very well thanking you muchly....Ken & I are sweet thanks for asking (we've been together over a year now ) (the trip away was awesome ) i would ask you how your love life is but it seems a bit buggered...hows you tho ya scouse mouse?
Am very good ta. Just need to find a new job and everything will be ok. Might just get one in a call centre. OK money for fuck all responseability.
im always nice. lol and that speech thing is wot i told ya to say to her!!! anyway more to the point being dumped by email is rather harsh of her tbf!!
I'll use it next time. Ain't arsed to be honest. Think it was about time for it to end for the both of us. Seem to still be getting on though.
i can see why you failed now, you shared no common interests. wasn't lexi from somewhere out near richmond???