Hey when you hit 25 your knees will pack in like mine and orbits, and you'll be leaning against the bar in promise.... i kid you not! One day you wake up and realise... "holey moley.... my body is packing in!" Sounds wierd but i love being the age i am now more than when i was 18-24.... just gotta play it down a bit for the younger ones on ere' lol
my next is my 21st so you cant possibly make it shit, and if you try then i will kick you in the head
yup. that too. i've got ligament damage on 1 knee and both are starting to suffer from early herediatary(sp?) arthritus. old old old. but i'm going to keep going till i'm physically incapable....
do it, it'll bring some "spice" to the evening, what's a doncaster girl's night out without a good ruck?!
Thought you were about 21 like, that means you were 11 year old when i got my first pair of decks.... aahhhh your just a bairn