i keep in touch with nearly all of my school mates (group of about 15) which is really amazing as we are scattered as far a field as thailand and the US now. we all visit each other regularly though, and meet up for things like birthdays and the football which keeps us together as a group.
also i would reiterate what a lot of other people have already said, be sure that whatever course you decide to do at uni leads to a job. graduate jobs are few and far between, and often employers are now looking to those with more commercial experience.
After college... I had the most amazing time of my entire life. I went on the best holiday ever with my best friends, I had my first proper boyfriend who I was totally besotted with and I had plenty of money. Just went out all the time and had fun. THEN I didnt get what I needed to get me into the uni of my choice, so I decided to stay in York and go to York uni and live with my mum and dad. I really wouldnt advise that. Get out into the big wide world! I kinda regret staying round here (tho now I've been away for a few years I really appreciate being back.) Good luck whatever you do
i moved up here met the most awesome people i've ever met, and i can't leave them now i do still keep in contact with my really good mates from back home but i don't see them much
i used to like all things IT when i was a youngen but i chose the wrong degree at uni, i also chose to stay at home instead of going into halls, so i fucked up twice. ive signed meself upto the RAF to be an aviotics technician officer after which i can come out and work in aerospace, i just wish i did this when i was 16. i have had some amazing times while ive been a student and now ive got some mint mates. i just wish i chose multimedia if i did chose to go to uni. either way in this day and age your gonna need some qualifications under your belt.
The course I want to do is called Fashion Communication starting at Northumbria in 2007. Im really really interested it sounds perfect! I just think if I want to go I will know at the end of next year. Loads of stuff might have changed by then I would definately move out though my mum basically said - your not staying here
Only go to university if you genuinely think you'll feel at home and enjoy it. Plenty of people 'suceed' in life without going to Uni. Personally I came up here from oxford and my group of school mates are still close. After a year apart we managed to get 12 of us to Ibiza last summer - can't be bad. Make the effort with people you feel comfortable with, in the long-term it'll be worth it as they're the people you share many memories with and, if you're interested in the same things, will share many more with aswell. Best of luck with it all!!
I left school at 16 and went to Newcastle college.. All my mates went to South Tyneside in Shields so I kinda lost contact with everyone (bar a few people). Met loadsa new friends when I was at college.. Finished that course.. started another at 18 and quit that after a year.. Worked for a bit then went back to college while working full time for my dad. At present I'm thinkin about what course to do this september and if I should go to uni.. I want to.. but I don't know what to do So.. to sum it all up.. I left school.. lost contact with loads of people.. but through college and work I met loads of new interesting people and have made a bunch of new friends.
I'm still in touch with my best mates from school, I think you find when you move away though that you have to be a lot more independent and thus grow up a lot, often leaving some of your friends behind. Sometimes it's a bit wierd when you go back because you find you have nothing to talk about with people who used to be your closest friends...you get new interests etc. But, you also get new, often closer friends. It's good when everyone goes back home from uni and meets up...seem to get loads more pissed than the rest of the time :beer: I'd say go to uni but make sure you do more than just getting pissed and clubbing in your spare time, stuff you do outside your degree is what makes you employable. sorry, that was a bit long winded! :blush:
why don't you have a look for the kind of jobs you would like in fashion, check job adverts on the net and in magazines and see what the requirements are, then once you have had your year out you can work to whatever is needed to get the job you want. some may require you to have a degree, 2.1 or above and some may ask you to have so many years experience working in fashion.
i don't speak to anyone i went to school with.... i've known amyblah for 10 yrs this sept tho & i've known my mate since she was born which was dec '79 i wanted to & still wouldn't mind being a criminal psychologist...my brain cells don't stretch that far tho
After i left school i bummed around for 5 years taking lots of chemicals and making a twat of myself. Then I got a decent job 18 months ago turned my life around and now am doing well. Only speak to one person from school and she's been my best make for 16 years.
I fucked around at school so was made by parents to go to a different college than all my school mates - they all went to derwentside and i went to newcastle. Was probs the best thing ive done though tbh, met some good mates there (though theres only Claire-O i still see ) and re-sat GCSE's and did A-levels there as well getting decent-ish grades that i wouldnt have done had i stayed with my mates from school. I dont really see anyone i went to school with now like, and when i do they hardly recognise me and have very little in common now anyway. Is a shame like