I would say drinking luminous alcopops, drinking cheap shit generic vodka, taking paracetamol or any pain killers for headaches, smoking cigarettes, taking the contraceptive pill to prevent your body from acting naturally is JUST as minging as taking any 'illegal' drug. If you want to see a minging drug in action - stand at the top of the big market at 11pm on a friday night and look at all the fuckups there. And if you disagree with minging drugs, to paraphrase bill hicks - go and throw away all your music collection because all the people who made that great music were OFF THEIR NUT on drugs (excluding atomic kitten) Seeing people ON drugs aint exactly the nicest thing in the world - but then again seeing my dad drunk on christmas day aint exactly pretty either. Whats the difference? NONE.
I just don't understand the bad rep that certain drugs get. People think that just because they necked loads of pills for a few years and they and their mates got sick of them and fucked themselves up in the process, that a more powerfull drug like acid will do the same. Live and let live and all that I say. If people want to do drugs like acid and see where it takes them then who cares? They'll probably have a wicked time in doing so and remember that for ever. Drugs like shrooms, acid, salvia, mescaline e.t.c are psychedelics and like I say used by scientists, psychologists and philosophists the world over. There is a reason for that, that they do a lot more than just get you fucked even though it's a fucking lot of fun doing so. I love drugs, shoot me.
im no mess,iv a home,buiness,family,friends. quick question..do u go clubbing? well.basicaly if it werent 4 drugs,club land wud be quite,fact,take away drugs,there would have been no acid house,no old skool hardcore,no illegal raves..bla bla,but im not sayin taking them is good and all great,its a choice,like what socks do i wear to go out
well stop publicising ur weekend activities as if its cool to take drugs because chances are ur too fucked up to realise how not cool taking drugs like that reeli is!!
i dont try to be cool i just like to enjoy meself just dont see why you let your piss boil so much because some people like drugs...i,m guessing you,ve had a bad experience on them but the world isnt gonna stop taking them for you
I don't think anyone here thinks their cool for doing them, they just generally like doing them. Not everyone fucks themselves up with drugs and ends up regreting it.
If thats rachels opinion though then thats fair enough....until you have experienced first hand people you know going crazy off drugs you really arent in a position to make it out like shes wrong
ive experieced alot,ive seen very good friends go down hill on heroin,ive seen friends lives fucked up by coke,ive seen friends die,disappear due to debt,ive seen alot,but thats life,i tried to help them but they werent arsed..thats the smack n crack 4 ya. were talking e's n lsd here,free love,love the trees,save the plants
But she might have seen people go crazy off the save the plants stuff Im very sorry to hear bout ur friends by the way