i think that gimp is the most hackiest drug some people round my way like to inject it every day scruffy c**ts dont know how there still alive especially as they also inject cider some people me
as for tripping so much you are acctualy sitting down having tea with pope,etc in buckingham place..bull shit,if you c out like that..your asleep
well if you wanna be a drug fuckup then be one!! im only giving my opinion!! i think its pretty sad that people have to spend their weekends experimenting with cocktails of drugs, have ya's got nothing better to do!! thats just my opinion anyways!!
its just the way u all talk about it as if its dead cool and as if ur all proud to be drug fuck ups!! everyone to their own i s'pose but anyways i didnt think u were allowed to talk about drugs so freely on this board...??!!
I cant even remember the last time I had them when I was out....dont get me I have nothing against people who have them but I really dont mix well with any drugs at all to b honest..
theres nout worse than some1 who lectures other on the right and wrongs,,drink kills more than any drug every year...i dont drink,but dont tell people not to,yet i dont tell people to take drugs its all about if u ant tried it and dont know what its about then u have no right to put ur 10p worth in besides,alcohol is the devils brew
gimp is just another word for speed rossy its what they call it in jarra. because of the state ya knob goes they say gimp dick
i've seen drugs fuck people up more than i've had hot bloody dinners so dont try and talk down to me thank u very much!! you all seem to think ur so cool by doing all these mingin drugs, well yeah its ur lives so do what ya's want, it isnt until u fuck up and stop doin then that u realise what a mess u probably are!!
YKTS if you dont like it dont do it...and if you dont like other people doing it dont go to places they might be... in genral i dont like the way cokeheads go on but i just let them get on with it and avoid socialising with them best i can...and i hate the way beer boys go on so i stopped going to beerboy pubs...no skin off my nose.
As soon as sleepzilla gets his eyes on this thread it will be gone so everyone mays well say anything anyways....please dont tell me off Bri