hows that what makes it so scruffy???i can understand why u say ket is minging but if you wanna look a t scruffy chemical counts look no further than british brewed lager and alcopops and tabs... i havent done acid or ket like so i dunno wot either feel like...
I wouldn't ever have this, I think it would proabably be the worst experience of my life....It just depends on what kind of drugs you like...I hate stuff that isnt real if that makes sense....I like to be totally in control of what I'm doing!
you listened to your school teachers too much...why do you think you get a hangover drink real beer and you dont...its all the additional chemicals
didnt realise you meant non trippy drugs thought you meant you like to be able to control your behaviour completely (which you can only do on a str8 head really)
drink can fuck u up if u do it too much...drugs just fuck u up full stop!! all u daftys will learn the hard way!! drugs like that are soooo dated anyways they're scruffy as!!
Shes aware that they have bad chemicals but getting drunk is a lot different to seeing flying mermaids and things turning into beetles and all that crazy stuff that happens....
never had acid so i wouldnt know but saying its a dirty drug for mongs or woteva is a bit judgemental...the people i know who take it have never seen anything like the horror stories you hear...they just say colours/lights/other visuals etc are enhanced...
no,smack is a sruff bag drug,same as crack,get ur facts straight...and if u gave it a thought,the majority of peoples parents on this board would have tried me,they say they havent but would you tell ur kids you had? as long as its kept under control its a harmless drug to a centain point,any futher n ur on incapacity benifits like alot of my associates
smack, crack, glue, petrol (winces) and aerosols are scruffy drugs for mongs not the above mentioned.
It's hardly a drug for 'scruffbags' when it's used regularly by some of the most famous scientists, philosophists and psychologists the world over. Plus the fact that it's physically one of the safest things you can take I don't see what's wrong with it myself.