Accidental Killing of the brazillian Lad

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lee, Aug 16, 2005.

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  1. Chris S

    Chris S Monkey Tennis?

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Hi Science I agree police don't deserve the stick as they were only doing their job. Great Avatar btw and great movie!!!
  2. Guest


    nothing will bring her son back :(

    was it just one person who shot him though???
  3. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    2 people fired i think.. both people hit him
  4. andy_rocks

    andy_rocks Registered User

    Dec 2, 2003
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    You're including IRA terrorism in there, which is, in theory, no longer a problem.....and besides, I said suicide bombers, so it does work.

    Yes, it's a tragedy this guy as shot by mistake, yes there should be an inquiry to see if anything can be learnt from it. But the press coverage this has recieved is totally out of proportion to collateral damage elsewhere in the world, particuarly by the Americans.

    And yes, Joe is a tosser :D
  5. eyeball

    eyeball Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Shoreditch, East London
    i totally agree with that. if someone dies on a surgeons operating table, surely that doctor is just doing his job, what he is paid to do

    what possible justice is there to bring on the cop who shot him? he was doing his job at the end of the day, and although it is a tragic story, the increased levels of paranoia in this country meant that such an occurence was hardly a shock
  6. andy_rocks

    andy_rocks Registered User

    Dec 2, 2003
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    This is different though - if someone dies on the operating table, there is always investigation as to why, and if it is the surgeons fault, then they can be suspended. Two doctors went down for manslaughter not so long back - they injected a drug into someones spine by mistake, and it killed them.

    Therefore, there has to be a police investigation if one of their officers has shot a man, who was pinned to the ground and immobilised. Nightmare situation.
  7. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    theres a huge difference between a doctor and a police officer.

    A doctor is trying to save lives without endangering anyone but the dying patient. A police officer is taking lives to save others... Therefore the situation should be handled far more delicatly.

    It would seem that this was a trigger happy copper working under knee jerk policies.

    You cant gun down civilians who weren't under survelance, of none arabic origin, with no visible signs of somewhere to store explosives.... Its inexcusable.
  8. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    From what i've heard - by the time it got to their level, the level of the policer actually on foot at the station, all they knew was "don't let him on the train" - it was already too far into the situation - the mistake had already been made - and they had been given the authorisation to shoot to kill.

    it's a tragic accident - but as usual it's the grunts on the street, doing the work that get the blame
  9. eyeball

    eyeball Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Shoreditch, East London
    i was simply maiking an observation that those two particular jobs carry risks, and that a snap decision made by either the doctor or the cop can cost a life

    both have to make on the spot choices, which, as seen, can have serious repercussions
  10. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    Everyone is human... 1 day after the bombings, you're following him, the info you've been given is wrong but you don't know this, your job is act on instructions given by your superiors without questions as lives are at steak... he runs for the train, there's confusion, a witness grabs him - you have to act and make that desicion.

    it could have saved 100's of lives if he'd done his job correctly - 100's could have been lost if he didn't do what he was told, on the information he was given.

    there's no doubt management and communication were at fault - not individual officers
  11. andy_rocks

    andy_rocks Registered User

    Dec 2, 2003
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    Sorry, but that's bollbocks.....'knee-jerk policy?' - shoot-in-the-head is the least worst option for dealing with suicide bombers, this has been shown time and again in countries where police have more experience of this type of attack. This policy was formulated a couple of years ago. And the 'copper' (there were several on the scene) was in constant radio contact with his command.

    Can you imagine the response of the public if he had blown himself up? Having come from a house under surveilance in connection with the bombings? Having been followed on a bus, and onto the underground by armed police?

    The operaton was a disaster, and we have to find out why, and try and make it less likely to happen again, but criticising carefully thought-out and proven policies that are the only way of preventing suicide bombings doesn't help anyone.
  12. eyeball

    eyeball Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Shoreditch, East London
    exactly. he was simply following orders, the split second he was given the authorisation to shoot, how did he know that the kid was simply a student on an expired visa?

    im sure in circumstances like that, the time just isnt there to weigh up the pro's and cons of your potential actions
  13. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    From seeing the tv footage from when those two blokes were arrested I'm not even sure that it may have been the police who shot him.

    On the tv footage you could see heavily armed men wearing unmarked vests, balaclavas and carrying huge guns.

    Sounds more like SAS than police style to me.

    A police marksman would yell for him to stop before opening fire, and even then wouldn't totally own the poor bloke with 6 bullets, he's more likely to take one or two shots and aim at the head.

    If it was SAS it would explain the hushing up of it to date.
  14. Freddy Flintoff

    Freddy Flintoff WE MISS YOU JOHN

    Oct 12, 2004
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    Yes the police should be cut some slack but they should not

    A) Blatently Lie to us about it

    B)Conviently Wipe CCTV footage

    C)Try to stop an investigation

    the head of the mets head should roll not the guys who fired the guns
  15. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    Defo sounds like a SAS tactic... their idea is if they're going to drop someone who POSSIBLY could be threatening to set a bomb off - make sure they have NO CHANCE of getting back up to set that pin off... it's like the stories that came out of the iranian embassy bombings, the terrorist who came down the stairs disguised as a hostage - they didn't give him a channce to pull the pin of his grenade - 2 SMGs unloaded full clips to make sure he was dead b4 he hit the ground
  16. M.C.E

    M.C.E 1981-2013

    Apr 16, 2002
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    Exactly what i have said from day one.
  17. M.C.E

    M.C.E 1981-2013

    Apr 16, 2002
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    Which is why i said it.
  18. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    my point doesn't concern whoever pulled the trigger, more so the flipant 'couldn't give a fuck' nimby attitude that certain people seem to have..

    'could have saved a hundred lives' yes true, not exactly rocket science, but they didn't, yet people still seem to think that there has been a positive outcome from this?

    taking the life of another man is the worst possible thing anyone can do, whoever was conducting the surveilance should have been 110% certain, without a shadow of a doubt that this guy was their man, instead of playing out some kind of russian roulette until they get the 'right one'.

    in a way we are very fortunate that it was a brazillian and not a muslim or the situation would be ten times worse.

    either way, gunning people down in the street isn't going to lead anywhere other than inducing a state of fear onto people in london. the police should be concentrating their efforts at grass roots, shooting people isn't going to get us anywhere.
  19. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    OK lets clear up the bullshit with facts:

    -He wasn't wearing a puffer jacket.

    -He wasn't running.

    -He wasn't told to stop.

    -He didn't jump any barrier.

    -If he was a suspect bomber he'd already been followed onto a bus... which he could of blown up.

    -3 shots missed a pinned down unarmed man... yep these are the type of sharp shooters we want carrying huge fucking guns!

    Quote from the report:
    ^ illegal execution

    -Police wipe cctv

    -Ian Blair begged the home office and prime minister for an internal inquiry.

    Yeah you're right.... we should be defending our police force... read the facts before forming opinions please.
  20. M.C.E

    M.C.E 1981-2013

    Apr 16, 2002
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    As brutal as it sounds its the only option in situations like that. They did their job, the outcome was a mistake no question but if inquiries and court marshalls come about its wrong imo :down:

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