Aye fair enough. Each to their own and that. I guess my opinion is different as I use Ableton a lot like
Dont think using Ableton in a club is really necessary unless you are playing live. Looping 4 tracks and wacking aload of effects over the top usually sounds like a mess and anything less can be done on 3 decks by anyone who can beathmatch. Plus jumping from genre to genre (which loads of people say ableton is good for) never really works in a club environment unless done by some seriously gifted djs like Giles Peterson or Theo Parrish; neither of them use Ableton. Im all for people trying new stuff but playing off a computer with a midi controller in a club is a bit naff imo.
I dont understand why its naff? Obviously the beatmatching skill is taken away but what else? Looping 4 tracks will obvously sound shit but looping 4 parts of different tracks (usually stripped down tracks) can sound ace and totally changes each track into something new and innovating.. I know some can be really lazy and use it as a simple mixing tool with effects, but its just boring!
if you're doing that much to a track, it has more similarity's to producing than djing - taking samples from different sources and putting them together back to my problem of seeing ableton as a production tool, not something to 'dj' from
the man from eastenders speaks the truth. if i ever spyed an oldskool dj using anything but records id be dissapointed.
i was so high i could see for miles around - danced near this old biddie far left . was good just my type of music but a let down in a way, im glad you seen my point . square pusher was shit , but massonix before marc broom was slow start but picked up,playing live , im glad i seen him as i learnt a new trick for my tr909 whilest doing live work. thread highjack ovewith
i cant actually seem to make ableton work perfectly everytime. its really irratating, its the most annoying program i've ever used. pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. even though i've been doing this moving to the first beat and blah blah blah - it always seems to be JUST SLIGHTLY off beat - and i cant seem to figure out if theres a pitch bend specifically for each track - its really getting on my tit end. and moving things about only changed the speed of the track abruptly and i'm like "ARE YOU FOR FUCKING REAL LIKE!?" it's pretty much the only PC app that's stressed me out to this level. short rant over, and back to my easy to use and sensible Traktor
its a sensible, easy to use, straightforward and light program to use. its bliddy class. theres a larger margin for error with it in terms of beatmatching etc, but if you know what your doing theres like a 0.3% chance of anything going wrong
Perhaps the decoding cache overloaded? There is a cache within the Ableton program files that stores the tracks played as WAV files. This can start your computer to slow down and the percentage of computer usage to go up dramatically, hence Live cutting out. Ive never had it cut out completely dead though, only when I illegally downloaded version 7!
i dont really see it as lazy - i see it more of a faff on than anything else. i'm still trying to learn how to use it, but yet i cant really figure out why its better than anything else.
With the advent of Ableton et al, the whole art of DJ-ing/performing has been liberated. Now you can in theory go traveling throughout the world, laptop in tow, DJ just about anywhere, and share music with people you meet on your travels. Not really possible with a bag of vinyl or CD's.
im sorry, but i have to draw the line at putting 'art of djing' and 'ableton' in the same sentence. have a word please
If you are serious about using your computer for performance/production then its best to get the best possible soundcard money can buy (edit: ie the most you can afford!). I bought the USB version of the M-Audio Audiophile and it was pretty crap.. Motu soundcards are highly recommended like but they are fair expensive.. http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/page/shop/flypage/product_id/10064
does it mean you can play a guitar and the drums now as well, seeing as you can do that in ableton too? trumpet? trombone, violin? after all, its only by passing some of the skills, skills that can be taught to anyone with hands, ears & a semi-working brain